Should You Sell Your Life Insurance Policy?

In 1911, the United States Supreme Court Grigsby and Russell decision deemed that life insurance policies are personal property. What does this mean for you if you own a life insurance policy? Well, it means that you can sell it to a third party for money. All you need to do to keep your policy is continue to pay premiums so death benefits are still received when you pass away. Selling your life insurance policy is not difficult.

There Are Many Reasons for Selling Your Life Insurance Policy

Why should you sell your life insurance policy? There are actually many reasons why selling your life insurance policy is beneficial to you. Perhaps you cannot afford the coverage, you think your premiums are way too high, or you just do not have a beneficiary that relies on you financially anymore. Those are all good reasons to sell a life insurance policy to a life insurance settlement company.

Selling Your Life Insurance Policy Can Give You a Quick Cash Influx < Continue reading Should You Sell Your Life Insurance Policy?

Why Hiring a Debt Collection Agency Is Always a Good Idea

Debt-owned is a very detrimental liability for many businesses, and as such, firms sometimes have to outsource their debt collection to a debt recovery agency to recover debt from defaulters. The phrase “time is money” holds much truth, especially in the business field. Expending time and effort on debt collecting could take away precious time that you could spend on other profit-generating activities. This piece will highlight some key advantages of outsourcing debt collection to keep your business afloat.

Benefits of Hiring a Debt Collection Agency

All businesses require funds to keep the enterprise afloat. But unfortunately, defaulted debt haunts many companies and precludes the smooth operations in the business. Collecting debt from unreliable customers can be very frustrating, especially if the business is already overwhelmed with other time-consuming activities. A business debt collecting agency helps you meet more pressing business demands as they recover the debt for you. Here are a couple of reasons why outsourcing debt collection to a collection agency is extremely beneficial.

1. They Are Successful in Their collection

The chances of successful debt recovery on hiring a collection agency increase manifold when compared to internal debt collection. In 2016 alone, debt collection agencies were able to recover an astounding $78.5 billion in debt. This figure goes to show how successful debt recovery agencies are in their collection endeavors. Because business debt collection services have trained professionals, they have the necessary know-how on how to conduct the collection of unpaid debts professionally. The firms even make friendly payment plans and arrangements with the clients to ensure the success of the collection process and to maintain good relations between the client and the business. In the end all parties win, because your clients can save their credit score before it’s too late.

2. Faster Payment from Clients

Clients are more inclined to pay when debt collection is in the hands of a debt collection agency. If debt payments are a bit slow, then consider a third-party collection agency to hasten things up. A debt collection agency demonstrates to clients how committed your business is to recover delinquent debts and will make them prioritize debt payment above other things.

3. Proper Documentation

Debt collection agencies always keep a record of their debt collection efforts, so if any legal issues arise, your business has sufficient evidence to present that they made many considerable attempts to recover the unpaid debt to prevent liability on the part of your business. This documentation is also important for future reference, the next time a client wants goods and services on credit so that you won’t be in the same situation again. The documentation is also vital for tax reasons to keep you in good books with the IRS.

4. Saves You Time and Money

Businesses spend a lot of resources and time recovering debt, which could be spent on more crucial matters concerning the productivity of the business. Debt collectors use the same billing option as your company so that you can focus on more important matters as the unpaid debt streams in without having to micro-manage every aspect of the debt collection process. Rest assured, the debt collectors utilize only the best techniques to recover the debts and are determined and incessant in their debt collection so you can take a load off and rest assured you’ll get your money eventually.

5. Versatility and Flexibility

Debt collectors adapt to your business model. They can align their debt collection procedure to fit the objectives and goals of the business while maintaining the professional outlook of your firm. These agencies are not limited to any businesses but can render their services across the board, and you can even seek their services for accounts receivable debt collection.

If unpaid debts are causing you sleepless nights, you need not fret over the matter; a collection agency is glad to take over debt collection and help keep the business afloat.