Agreeing to a rooftop cell site lease can be an easy way to make a passive income. If you’re considering this option, you’re likely wondering just how much money you can make. Here’s what you can expect in terms of profit.
The specifics of a rooftop cell site lease contract can vary depending on the cell company involved. While some may be a good deal, others can have undesirable terms and conditions. In order to ensure that you make the right decision in signing a contract, it’s important to work with a reputable lawyer.
It’s entirely possible for a cell tower to make you $3,500 a month with no effort on your part, but be aware that this will not always be the case. Some leases will enable you to make more money than others, and regardless of how much you end up earning, keep in mind that you’ll be giving up some of your property rights. That means that if you go against the terms of your contract, you can end up getting sued and losing more money than you make.
Rooftop cell site leases can be lucrative opportunities, but only if you sign a contract that works for your needs. Be sure to do adequate research and read the fine print.