You had just reached the top level of driver status in the ride sharing platform where you have been working for the last 24 months when something pretty scary happened. Receiving a text that indicated that you were to pick up a $250 bonus gift cars, you were immediately suspect. You did not fall victim to calling the number or texting back. But as it turns out your number had been compromised. As the identity theft expert later explained, if you do make the mistake of getting on the phone with any of these sweeping experts, if you do get on the line the longer the call lasts the more information the thefts can access.
Fortunately, there was a local tire shop that served as an information hub and you were able to get an immediate point when you realizes that you were missing a payment amount that was slightly more than $375. This representative was able to help you walk back through the last time that you were paid. He also explained that downloading your earnings every single day puts you at less risk. Simply because there are fewer funds in your online account if you take them every single day. The thefts will still an identity and cash out to an untraceable account and can cause significant problems if the amount of money in that account has been increasing for several days, or weeks.
The latest upgrade to the payment software, however, eliminates individual drivers having to go in and make the payment extractions. With the latest technology, the representative explained, the money will be transferred to the driver’s digital wallet after every drive.
The battle between individual privacy and public safety continues as more and more people depend on keeping their information their own. Even in the case of criminals and court orders for technology companies to break the encryption of seized cells phones, there remains a significant amount of debate from both these tech companies and individual cell phone owners. Realizing that any kind of backdoor access would also allow for hackers to access private cell phone information, there are many politicians themselves who will admit that they do not know where to draw the line and what should be allowed.
Carefully Considering the Kinds of Loans That You Apply for Can Help You Protect Your Identity and Your Finances
In a time of ride sharing and other innovative economy options, it is important to note that working with a reputable financial institution can help you keep your money and your identity safe. And while we are all at risk in this digital age, there are some types of loans and credit cards that put people more at risk. When you decide to apply for loans, for instance, it can be tempting to look into those debt consolidation offerings that you hear on the radio. These are not, however, the loans that are often in the consumer’s best interest.
From auto loans to mortgage loans, and even the kind of credit cards you apply for, the types of loans that you enter will have a significant impact on the future financial situation of your family. Every time that you apply for loans, credit cards, or other kinds of finance options you put yourself at risk. Knowing that you are working with a reputable lender, however, is a step toward knowing that when you apply for loans that you will be offered competitive interest rates.
Not all consumers realize, in fact, that they are twice as likely to find free checking at a credit union than other financial institutions. And while the decision to apply for loans is common, many consumers simply do not understand the value of shopping around for their best options. Given that 88% of home buyers have a mortgage loan, however, should be enough o encourage consumers to only apply for loans with banks that are offering the lowest rates that are available. In a time of ride sharing and many other ways to earn some extra cash, it is still important to know that you have your payment platform tied to a reputable banking institution that will keep your money safe.