3 Reasons for Defendants to Choose Structured Settlement Annuity

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A Structured Settlement Annuity (SSA) is a tax-free, annual payment of money usually resulting from a lawsuit or insurance claim. Every settlement is different and structured to accommodate the specific needs of the individuals involved in said case. While people usually view these in the context of the plaintiff (those receiving payments), there are structured settlement annuity benefits to the defendants as well. Here are three reasons it could very well be in the best interest of both parties to come to an annuity settlement.

    1.) Success Rate: Perhaps un-success rate would be more accurate. The plaintiff is victorious in the majority of cases that go to trial (over 90%). For that reason most people on the defense side elect to try and settle outside of court (80-92% of cases by some estimates). Obviously you will be losing in the sense that you’ll have to pay something, but the total amount will often times be much less than if you leave it up to a judge/jury to award damages. Even if the plaintiff wants a lump sum most will be open to the idea because there are plenty of businesses that they can get cash for settlements almost immediately.

    2.) Reduce Cost: Lawsuits can be expensive. On average, employees that win a case against an employer will receive $150,000. Besides the outright cost of the payout though there are court fees, lawyer costs, and other expenses associated with going to trial. In the end it is usually a more cost-effective option to cut your losses from the jump and negotiate a fair Structured Settlement Annuity.

    3.) Insurance: Perhaps the most important reason to consider an SSA is the insurance implications. Depending on the situation and your provider they will sometimes cover the annuity payments for you. Obviously this will have an affect on your rates and premiums, but it will save you from having to come up with the finances on your own, or having to borrow from a bank at high interest rates.

Overall a Structured Settlement Annuity
can be beneficial to all parties involved. It should be one of the first options you look for if you’re caught on the wrong end of something like a personal injury lawsuit because of the above mentioned reasons, as well as others left out.

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