In today’s business world, it’s important to understand the workings of the human resources department and to fall in line with their directives. If you are wanting to become a human resources professional, you will have a broad range of courses you will need to take. Most of the time, working in various branches of human resources requires a bachelor’s degree, though there are companies that will make exceptions. You will likely need to take workplace diversity courses in preparation for the position.
Many people are attracted to the relatively high business management human resources salary that so many companies pay. The daily HR tasks that are required can be fun and engaging for someone with the personality for them. Add to that the high pay and the industry is one that is highly sought after by people who are seeking a business career. The position usually means meeting a lot of people and helping with common problems around the office as well as doing volumes of paperwork that need to be done for each person who works at the company. If you like working with people and you don’t mind paperwork, this might be a good career option for you.

The real estate industry is a great place to start a business. About 97% of investors in real estate have plans to increase their portfolios in the next year and a half. If you have been wondering how to start a realtor business to take advantage of the earning potential now is a great time to get started.
Learning how to start realtor business can be a great way to start a second career or start your entrepreneur journey. Follow these easy tips for how to start a realtor business, and you will be on your way to success.
Let’s Start With the Basics

Like all businesses, it is important that you have a business plan. A business plan is not only a guidebook for your business, but it is necessary if you want to pique the interest of investors. Your plan should address some basic information about your business including:
- What will make your realtor business stand out from the others in your market? Every community has realtor businesses, what are you going to do differently to bring clients to your door and not the next guys? A brief marketing plan should be a part of your business plan.
- What is the structure of your business? Are you starting out with employees or are you going to be a one-woman or a one-man show? It is important that this is part of your plan.
- Your budget. How much can you invest? How much will it cost to get your business off the ground?
A highly detailed business plan should be a complete snapshot of your business. It should lay out how to start a realtor business and succeed. Investors want as much information as possible. Even if you are going to self-finance your business, having a business plan on hand can help you to move with purpose.
Before you hang up your “ we buy houses” shingle, you have some basic things that you will have to get out of the way besides your business plan. In most areas, the first thing you will need to do if you are considering how to start a realtor business is to ensure that all your licensure is in place.
Every state in the United States has some sort of licensure requirements for realtors. To avoid any legal issues before you consider how to start realtor business, consider what you will need to do to get your licensure in order. Of course, you do not have to have a license if you can work with a licensed broker that will cover your business with their license.
Once you have your licensure in place then you can move on to the next steps of how to start realtor business. There are more basic steps and considerations that you need to give some thought to.
Where Will You Do Business?

For many businesses it is perfectly permissible to work remotely, but if you are thinking about how to start realtor business, you may want to consider having a brick and mortar location to work out of, and here is why:
- Impressions are everything. A grand office screams success. Inviting potential clients to your office lends legitimacy to your business.
- If you are a realtor you should have an office. Remember realtors specialize in buying and selling properties, if you do not buy your own property what message does that send about your business?
- You will need a central location for signing documents with clients that will hopefully be used a lot.
In most cases, how to start realtor business and succeed means securing a location for your business. Finding the perfect location for your business can be your first dip into the pool of the real estate business.
You may be thinking how can I afford a property right out the gate? Do what other realtors have done buy a distressed property and fix it up. With help from plumbing contractors, electricians, and a little sweat equity you can transform a distressed property into a great space to work out of.
Sometimes how to start realtor business can mean getting creative, thinking outside the box, and putting some hard work in. Connecting with contractors and explaining that this is the first project in a long line of hopefully upcoming projects can help to forge a relationship with vendors that you will use in the future for other properties and deliver some savings for right now.
Many contractors and distributors like tile distributors, and other supply distributors will offer a hefty discount to realtors because they understand that there can be a great deal of business in the future that comes from realtors.
Ask for discounts. Ask for deals. It can result in tremendous savings on pulling your new business location together. Of course, it is also beneficial to build a network of connections that you can tap into down the road.
Networking with everyone from asphalt driveway paving specialists to mortgage experts is going to be very important to the success of your business. You might as well get started early in making those connections.
Aligning With the Right Professionals
Anyone that has already taken the how to start a realtor business journey can tell you that it is imperative to align with the right professionals to help support your business goals. For example, it is vital that you have a cpa accounting firm that can help you to manage your finances right from the start.

While you are building your realtor business there are going to be many things that you need to take charge of, and many things that you should delegate to other professionals to ensure that you can give your full attention to your core business responsibilities.
One of the key components to not only how to start realtor business but how to start realtor business that succeeds is to get the help and the tools that you need to succeed. You will need help with:
- Managing your business finances in between visits with the CPA firm that you hire. The best accounting books for entrepreneurs can help to provide you with the direction that you need in this area.
- Document management software. Tapping into the technology that is available to help you seamlessly manage your documents electronically is not only a great time saver but it is also an easy way to remain accountable to clients.
- A trusted real estate attorney. It is important that you have the right legal advice. Connect with a law firm that specializes in real estate transactions early on in your journey.
There are other professionals that you will need to have in your network because clients will turn to you for help with their properties. For example, having an HVAC specialist on call that can fix furnace problems in a pinch will endear you to your clients.
Having a team of professionals that you can rely on to ensure that your business succeeds can be one of the most important steps in how to start a realtor business. No one builds a business on their own, every successful person has a team behind them.
How To Start a Realtor Business and Succeed
Let’s dial things back to your business plan. Did you evaluate how you will make your real estate business a stand out from the others in your industry? There are some ways you can stand out from the crowd and find the success that you are hoping for.
While you are building your network of connections, make sure you add your local flower shop to the list of professionals to connect with. Why? If your goal is to stand out in clients minds, there is no better way than to reward them for doing business with you. Sending flowers whether they close that deal with you or not, will ensure that you stay fresh in their mind the next go round.
While it is very important to have a website, engage on social media, and use other digital means of connecting with your audience, word of mouth is still a good way to get new clients. The more personalized you make your services, the more in tune you are with client needs, the better you will be remembered, and the more likely you are to get word of mouth referrals.
It is not enough to learn how to start realtor business, you have to learn how to start realtor business and keep it growing. You have to be able to:
- Brand your business. The goal for any realtor is to become a household name. Branding your business is critical to the success of your business.
- Keep the traffic of new clients flowing.
- Make smart investments into your business.
Real estate can be a very lucrative field but it can be a tough field, because most of the time, it is a one-and-done transaction. You find a client, you help the client with the transaction than that is the end of the relationship in most cases.
You have to constantly be on the prowl for new business. Building a strong reputation in your community is vital to your business. Consumers appreciate transparency, authority in the field, and trust. Everything that you do within your community is a reflection of your business. It can be tough to be “on” around the clock but to succeed in this business you almost have to.
Once you learn how to start realtor business and it is off the ground what can you do to make your business stand out from the rest? Consider these tactics:
- Get involved. Join your local commerce group. Attend trade shows and sponsor community events. Become a familiar face in your community.
- Host events like open houses for the community to get to know your business.
- Give something back. Whether you write a check or donate your time, giving back is a great way to keep people interested in your business.
Building a strong realtor business takes constant work, especially in the early days. Slow and steady does win the race in this type of business.
Your Finances
The financial advice about how to start realtor business is the same as it is for every other business. Do not comingle personal finances with business finances, it can be a critical mistake. As a matter of fact, comingling finances is a mistake that about 45% of failed small businesses make.

As with any business there is a financial risk when it comes to how to start a realtor business, and that risk can be compounded greatly if you comingle your finances. Separate is always best. Keep separate accounts for your business and your personal life.
Weigh out each financial risk carefully. It is important to have a positive attitude and believe fully in your business, but it is just as important to set limits for yourself. For example, putting a second mortgage on the house to keep a business afloat after a year or two of not staying a float is really risky business.
Set limits for yourself as to how much you are willing to invest, and when you may have to walk away, go back to the drawing board and rethink your plan. Going down with the ship in any business venture does not prove anything other than your personal finances took a nose dive right along side the ship.
You can avoid many of the financial pitfalls and risks with proper planning, professional support, and a slow and steady attitude. Don’t plan on taking a salary that first year, keep the money in the business until you have a nice nest egg built to carry the business through the slow seasons. Get professional money management help to ensure that you are making the right investments for your business, and you will be fine.
Finally, there are a lot of working parts to how to start realtor business, keep your expectations realistic about what it will take, and how you will move through the hurdles. There is plenty of money to be made in real estate you just have to put the work in.