Looking for a new business venture? Starting a bail bonds company can be both an exciting and potentially profitable venture for virtually anyone to take on. That being said, bail bonding companies do not simply run themselves, and they are not as freeing as some people may at first believe. For one thing, they are not your ticket out of the 9 am to 5 pm work grind. Bail bonding companies have to be open very late hours to serve communities of people who may find themselves under arrest at any time of the day or night.
You will need a fairly large amount of capital to get started.
Bond can be set pretty high, and you need to be able to fork over the entire amount of the bond at the time that it is requested by the court. Additionally, you need to have systems in place to ensure that those who you have bonded out will actually show up for their court date. That is a tall order in itself, but it is also an essential part of running this business properly. If people skip out on their court dates, then you are left holding the bag on the bond that you paid for them.
This is an exciting business and industry to be in, but remember that there are plenty of hurdles to get over as well.
Whether your dream is to fight the good fight in a court of law as a criminal defense attorney or you are leaning more toward protecting people’s civil rights as a civil rights attorney, you will have to take the same steps to become an attorney. The legal profession has a long rich history that beckons thousands of people a year to join its membership.
The steps to become an attorney are competitive. Everyone that is on the path to becoming an attorney has to take the same steps to become an attorney and compete with other people that have the same dream. Learning more about the rich history of this profession and the tips for making yourself a stand out candidate can help you to beat out the competition.
Attorney Vs Lawyer Vs Esquire
The terms lawyer, attorney, and esquire are often used interchangeably in the US. In other countries, an attorney can be referred to as a barrister, counselor, and other monikers. The fact is a rose by any other name is still a rose, and this is true of attorneys. Technically in the United States “attorney” is short for “attorney at law” which means a lawyer (anyone who graduated from law school) has passed the BAR examination and can practice law.
Ultimately there is no real difference between an attorney and a lawyer in the US. It really just depends on how the lawyer self identifies, and what you call them. Esquire is an old English term that some attorneys use to indicate that they are lawyers.
It all sounds rather confusing. Think of it this way. If you live in the Northeast you call a sub sandwich a “hero” unless you live in Pennsylvania where the same sandwich is called a “grinder”. Soda in Ohio is called “pop”. You get the idea; different people call things by different names, but it does not change the item itself. The same applies when it comes to those people that have gone through law school received their JD. Sometimes they are referred to as lawyers, some times they are referred to as attorneys, and sometimes they self identify as barristers (no one calls an attorney a barrister except an attorney).
What Do Attorneys Do?
Attorneys practice law. They can specialize in a wide range of law. For example, a bankruptcy law firm will be chock-full of attorneys that focus on consumer law and commercial bankruptcy law. They help people reboot their finances by using the federal bankruptcy laws.
Bankruptcy lawyers do not prosecute people but they do defend their clients often against creditors. They work in federal courts, which is where all bankruptcy cases are heard. Sometimes they are referred to as Chapter 13 bankruptcy attorneys (named after the Chapter 13 section of the bankruptcy law).They have a specialized skill set that other attorneys do not have because they have focused heavily on learning the ins and outs of the extensive and complex bankruptcy laws.
There are attorneys that specialize in a wide range of areas of the law. For example, a custody lawyer will specialize in custody cases and family law cases. This type of attorney is the attorney that you see when you are going through a divorce or you have another family court matter.
In all, there are about 25 different law specialties. Each of the specialty sections of the law requires the same initial steps to become an attorney, then a focus on the specialty. For example, you have your eye on becoming a personal injury law attorney. You will have to take the same steps to become an attorney that a bankruptcy attorney took, but after law school, you will get the rest of your specialty training on the job.
Becoming an attorney is not easy. There is a lot to learn, and a lot of pressure along the way, however in 2012 according to the Department of Labor, there were over 1 million attorneys in the United States. Those numbers tell you that it can be done.
History of the Attorney
Since ancient Roman times there have been attorneys around to defend their clients, help determine policy, and ensure that the laws are upheld. There is evidence that in both Greece and Rome there were people that would represent other people before a court.
While it was “illegal” for these early attorneys to take payment from their clients, the law was largely ignored and defendants often did pay the representatives. Early attorneys during this era were called “orators” or “canonists”. They would speak out, sometimes delivering long-winded manifestos, defend their clients against accusations of theft, adultery, immoral character, and more.
During the middle ages, attorneys were barely used, but that did not put an end to the profession. By 1231 the profession was back in the upswing stage, and French law dictated that there had to be a sworn oath to practice law. Oddly enough, in England around the same period, bail bond agent service got its start.
Over the years the steps to become an attorney has changed but since 1231 the steps to become an attorney have ended with taking an oath to uphold the law. Attorneys have played pivotal roles throughout history in shaping democracy, community laws, politics, and other parts of society.
Today, attorneys are charged with helping people navigate the laws. For example, an injury attorney has a special understanding of the injuries laws that are in place to help protect people after they have been injured through negligence. Attorneys are still very much involved with upholding the law, whether they are prosecutors for the state or they are defenders of the accused.
Your Very First Steps to Become an Attorney
If all that you read so far has you more excited than ever about taking the steps to become an attorney, then you will need to take the first steps to become an attorney. In every state, except for four states, require that you get your JD (Juris Doctorate) from an accredited law school.
In California, Virginia, Washington, and Vermont, you can skip out on law school, but you have to be in an apprenticeship program at a law firm, and you still have to take and pass the BAR in that state. It may sound like a dreamy opportunity to skip some of the steps to become an attorney and pass over law school, but it may leave you ill-equipped to pass the BAR.
In every other state you must attend law school. Before you can get to law school you will need to study for and receive a bachelor’s degree. Many people that are interested in becoming wrongful death lawyers or even just a general practice lawyer are under the impression that your bachelor’s degree should be in Criminal Science or another “pre-law” subject. The fact is your undergraduate degree could be in any subject.
An undergraduate criminal law degree does not guarantee admittance in a law school. Read that again to ensure that you understand. Here are some other degree fields that can actually help your application stand out from the rest:
An undergraduate degree in a social science. Consider sociology or psychology for your undergraduate work. Understanding the human condition can help you to be a better attorney, at least from the purview of the law schools.
An undergraduate degree in English. Attorneys write a lot. An undergraduate degree in English can promote the idea that your legal briefs are going to be exceptional.
An undergraduate degree in political science, accounting, and business can all get the attention of the admittance team.
Ultimately when you are considering your undergraduate studies your goal should not be only to take the first steps to become an attorney, they should be to educate yourself in a field that you are interested in. Why? What if you do not get into law school? You still want to be able to make use of your degree.
One of the best ways to ensure that your application is not put to the side is to keep your grades up. The field your undergraduate degree is in matters a lot less than the grades you received. Keep your grades up.
The Competition is Stiff
You will be competing with people not only from the United States but with students from around the world that want to attend law school in the United States. To get into law school you have to take a test. The LSAT (Law School Admission Test) is a rigorous test that every student that wants to go to law school has to take.
Your LSAT scores and your undergraduate degree grades will weigh heavily on your application. You will also have to write an essay as to why you are a good candidate for law school. To give yourself an advantage, you should heavily research at least three law schools you would like to attend to learn what they look for.
Prerequisites may also be required. Each law school has a different set of rules for admittance. Typically those rules include:
Reference letters. Law schools want to know a little about your study habits and character. You may have to provide reference letters from two or more of your undergraduate professors.
Character references may be required as well. Letters from former teachers may not be the only thing you have to provide. You may need to provide community-based letters from people that you have worked with or come in contact with through volunteering.
A criminal background check and a credit check. You may have to provide a criminal background check and a credit check. Having a conviction does not necessarily exclude you from law school, nor does having bad credit, you will usually have to explain the situation surrounding either.
It can be a daunting process applying to law school but in the end, it will be worth it. It is important that you follow all the criteria that are put forth by the application process information. Read the instructions for applying, then reread them. Make special note of deadlines. If you do not have your application material together in time, unfortunately, you will have to wait another year to apply.
Law school usually has a short window for applications. It is important that you apply early. Classes for law school always start in the fall. That means just about a year before you should have all your ducks in a row and be ready to submit your application.
One of the steps to become an attorney may include a law school interview. Not every school does in-person interviews but some do. This may require that you travel out of state, if you applied to an out of state school, be sure that you earmark money and put it on the side to be able to travel if you must.
When students are thinking about becoming an attorney they do not consider that they may not get into their local law school. You may have to relocate to an out of state law school if that is where you are accepted.
The Early Bird Catches the Worm
The key steps to become an attorney are all reliant on you not procrastinating. It can be hard to get everything done that you need to get done for your law school application your senior year of college, but if you do not move with purpose and stay on top of things you may not make the cut.
The steps to become an attorney are full of hustle and bustle which actually prepares you for the stress and strife of being an attorney. Whether you become a corporate attorney that spends their days fighting to have storage tank inspections required for big oil companies or you are a community-based attorney that is fighting to help people keep their apartments, it is going to be a fast-paced career. The steps to become an attorney are also fast-paced, as is law school. Keep up!
Good luck on making your dream of becoming an attorney a reality.
In today’s business world, it’s important to understand the workings of the human resources department and to fall in line with their directives. If you are wanting to become a human resources professional, you will have a broad range of courses you will need to take. Most of the time, working in various branches of human resources requires a bachelor’s degree, though there are companies that will make exceptions. You will likely need to take workplace diversity courses in preparation for the position.
Many people are attracted to the relatively high business management human resources salary that so many companies pay. The daily HR tasks that are required can be fun and engaging for someone with the personality for them. Add to that the high pay and the industry is one that is highly sought after by people who are seeking a business career. The position usually means meeting a lot of people and helping with common problems around the office as well as doing volumes of paperwork that need to be done for each person who works at the company. If you like working with people and you don’t mind paperwork, this might be a good career option for you.
The real estate industry is a great place to start a business. About 97% of investors in real estate have plans to increase their portfolios in the next year and a half. If you have been wondering how to start a realtor business to take advantage of the earning potential now is a great time to get started.
Learning how to start realtor business can be a great way to start a second career or start your entrepreneur journey. Follow these easy tips for how to start a realtor business, and you will be on your way to success.
Let’s Start With the Basics
Like all businesses, it is important that you have a business plan. A business plan is not only a guidebook for your business, but it is necessary if you want to pique the interest of investors. Your plan should address some basic information about your business including:
What will make your realtor business stand out from the others in your market? Every community has realtor businesses, what are you going to do differently to bring clients to your door and not the next guys? A brief marketing plan should be a part of your business plan.
What is the structure of your business? Are you starting out with employees or are you going to be a one-woman or a one-man show? It is important that this is part of your plan.
Your budget. How much can you invest? How much will it cost to get your business off the ground?
A highly detailed business plan should be a complete snapshot of your business. It should lay out how to start a realtor business and succeed. Investors want as much information as possible. Even if you are going to self-finance your business, having a business plan on hand can help you to move with purpose.
Before you hang up your “ we buy houses” shingle, you have some basic things that you will have to get out of the way besides your business plan. In most areas, the first thing you will need to do if you are considering how to start a realtor business is to ensure that all your licensure is in place.
Every state in the United States has some sort of licensure requirements for realtors. To avoid any legal issues before you consider how to start realtor business, consider what you will need to do to get your licensure in order. Of course, you do not have to have a license if you can work with a licensed broker that will cover your business with their license.
Once you have your licensure in place then you can move on to the next steps of how to start realtor business. There are more basic steps and considerations that you need to give some thought to.
Where Will You Do Business?
For many businesses it is perfectly permissible to work remotely, but if you are thinking about how to start realtor business, you may want to consider having a brick and mortar location to work out of, and here is why:
Impressions are everything. A grand office screams success. Inviting potential clients to your office lends legitimacy to your business.
If you are a realtor you should have an office. Remember realtors specialize in buying and selling properties, if you do not buy your own property what message does that send about your business?
You will need a central location for signing documents with clients that will hopefully be used a lot.
In most cases, how to start realtor business and succeed means securing a location for your business. Finding the perfect location for your business can be your first dip into the pool of the real estate business.
You may be thinking how can I afford a property right out the gate? Do what other realtors have done buy a distressed property and fix it up. With help from plumbing contractors, electricians, and a little sweat equity you can transform a distressed property into a great space to work out of.
Sometimes how to start realtor business can mean getting creative, thinking outside the box, and putting some hard work in. Connecting with contractors and explaining that this is the first project in a long line of hopefully upcoming projects can help to forge a relationship with vendors that you will use in the future for other properties and deliver some savings for right now.
Many contractors and distributors like tile distributors, and other supply distributors will offer a hefty discount to realtors because they understand that there can be a great deal of business in the future that comes from realtors.
Ask for discounts. Ask for deals. It can result in tremendous savings on pulling your new business location together. Of course, it is also beneficial to build a network of connections that you can tap into down the road.
Networking with everyone from asphalt driveway paving specialists to mortgage experts is going to be very important to the success of your business. You might as well get started early in making those connections.
Aligning With the Right Professionals
Anyone that has already taken the how to start a realtor business journey can tell you that it is imperative to align with the right professionals to help support your business goals. For example, it is vital that you have a cpa accounting firm that can help you to manage your finances right from the start.
While you are building your realtor business there are going to be many things that you need to take charge of, and many things that you should delegate to other professionals to ensure that you can give your full attention to your core business responsibilities.
One of the key components to not only how to start realtor business but how to start realtor business that succeeds is to get the help and the tools that you need to succeed. You will need help with:
Managing your business finances in between visits with the CPA firm that you hire. The best accounting books for entrepreneurs can help to provide you with the direction that you need in this area.
Document management software. Tapping into the technology that is available to help you seamlessly manage your documents electronically is not only a great time saver but it is also an easy way to remain accountable to clients.
A trusted real estate attorney. It is important that you have the right legal advice. Connect with a law firm that specializes in real estate transactions early on in your journey.
There are other professionals that you will need to have in your network because clients will turn to you for help with their properties. For example, having an HVAC specialist on call that can fix furnace problems in a pinch will endear you to your clients.
Having a team of professionals that you can rely on to ensure that your business succeeds can be one of the most important steps in how to start a realtor business. No one builds a business on their own, every successful person has a team behind them.
How To Start a Realtor Business and Succeed
Let’s dial things back to your business plan. Did you evaluate how you will make your real estate business a stand out from the others in your industry? There are some ways you can stand out from the crowd and find the success that you are hoping for.
While you are building your network of connections, make sure you add your local flower shop to the list of professionals to connect with. Why? If your goal is to stand out in clients minds, there is no better way than to reward them for doing business with you. Sending flowers whether they close that deal with you or not, will ensure that you stay fresh in their mind the next go round.
While it is very important to have a website, engage on social media, and use other digital means of connecting with your audience, word of mouth is still a good way to get new clients. The more personalized you make your services, the more in tune you are with client needs, the better you will be remembered, and the more likely you are to get word of mouth referrals.
It is not enough to learn how to start realtor business, you have to learn how to start realtor business and keep it growing. You have to be able to:
Brand your business. The goal for any realtor is to become a household name. Branding your business is critical to the success of your business.
Keep the traffic of new clients flowing.
Make smart investments into your business.
Real estate can be a very lucrative field but it can be a tough field, because most of the time, it is a one-and-done transaction. You find a client, you help the client with the transaction than that is the end of the relationship in most cases.
You have to constantly be on the prowl for new business. Building a strong reputation in your community is vital to your business. Consumers appreciate transparency, authority in the field, and trust. Everything that you do within your community is a reflection of your business. It can be tough to be “on” around the clock but to succeed in this business you almost have to.
Once you learn how to start realtor business and it is off the ground what can you do to make your business stand out from the rest? Consider these tactics:
Get involved. Join your local commerce group. Attend trade shows and sponsor community events. Become a familiar face in your community.
Host events like open houses for the community to get to know your business.
Give something back. Whether you write a check or donate your time, giving back is a great way to keep people interested in your business.
Building a strong realtor business takes constant work, especially in the early days. Slow and steady does win the race in this type of business.
Your Finances
The financial advice about how to start realtor business is the same as it is for every other business. Do not comingle personal finances with business finances, it can be a critical mistake. As a matter of fact, comingling finances is a mistake that about 45% of failed small businesses make.
As with any business there is a financial risk when it comes to how to start a realtor business, and that risk can be compounded greatly if you comingle your finances. Separate is always best. Keep separate accounts for your business and your personal life.
Weigh out each financial risk carefully. It is important to have a positive attitude and believe fully in your business, but it is just as important to set limits for yourself. For example, putting a second mortgage on the house to keep a business afloat after a year or two of not staying a float is really risky business.
Set limits for yourself as to how much you are willing to invest, and when you may have to walk away, go back to the drawing board and rethink your plan. Going down with the ship in any business venture does not prove anything other than your personal finances took a nose dive right along side the ship.
You can avoid many of the financial pitfalls and risks with proper planning, professional support, and a slow and steady attitude. Don’t plan on taking a salary that first year, keep the money in the business until you have a nice nest egg built to carry the business through the slow seasons. Get professional money management help to ensure that you are making the right investments for your business, and you will be fine.
Finally, there are a lot of working parts to how to start realtor business, keep your expectations realistic about what it will take, and how you will move through the hurdles. There is plenty of money to be made in real estate you just have to put the work in.
Finding a job used to be as easy as going to your local produce market and asking to work there part-time or full-time while attending school, or even as a full-time gig. However, those days are long gone, and the job market is one that is competitive, cut-throat, and where one has to stand out among the competition at all times. Why the change in job prospects? Is it difficult finding a job that pays well?
Jobs in Today’s Market
For starters, the economy has much to do with job prospects in modern America. Jobs come available when businesses grow, start to bloom, have more customers, and thus need extra helping hands to come on board with the business. In the US, there are approximately 30.2 million small businesses. If there are so many small businesses, why isn’t there a ton of jobs? Well, finding a job that pays well is like searching a needle in a haystack…at least…that’s what most people want you to think. On the contrary, it doesn’t have to be difficult to find a job that you love to do, and that also pays you fairly well. Even if you just want to get a job that pays well on the side, you can look for places other than small businesses who might not hire right away for job prospects.
Getting Paid for Your Passion
If you want to find a job that you love, it can be relatively easy with a bit of research and creativity. Working a job that pays well can be done in many different settings, from small businesses to giant corporations, and even freelance work. In addition, if you’re someone who is creative and does art, finding a job can be easy for you as well. If you’re looking at ways of finding a job that pays well, here are 15 tips to get you started. From having a good resume to looking at jobs that are in need of people, this list and a little bit of research in your local area can help you get started on your career journey.
1. Make a Good Resume
No matter what field you work in, having a good resume is always a great tool to have in your back pocket. Resumes sum up work you have done for other people, and they are able to accurately reflect the timeline of your jobs. Don’t just put simple dates and job titles, however. Fill your resume with information about what your duties were, any leadership roles, and what you learned on the job in addition to having up-to-date contact information. Keeping your resume to one page is a good idea to not overwhelm future employers. Finding a job that pays well means the job will be full of competition, and employers don’t want to read through tons of information for every prospective employee!
2. Send Out Cold E-mails
If you work as a freelancer, or even have your own company doing other services, sending out cold e-mails can prove to be beneficial and help you in finding a job that pays well. The gig economy is strong, and even if you have, let’s say a fence company, you can still send out e-mails to businesses in your area that look like they might be in need of fence repair, or in need of the services you provide. Advertisements work, but sending on cold e-mails can be the best bet if you want to contact someone in an office right away. Cold e-mails stand out better than certain advertisements and can help you find your next gig.
3. Make a Website
Keeping a website is a great way to market yourself, and is growing more and more popular among those that are working on finding a job that pays well. If you’re a business professional, have a good headshot as an actor, or even work in construction, having a website is essential to promote yourself to employers and to gain contracts. You can also add articles to your website to attract more people. If you’re a kitchen remodeler, giving information to others about how to remodel kitchen cabinets not only shows your skills and knowledge, but also provides shows you’re a trustworthy remodeler. This is just one of many ideas you can incorporate in a website.
4. Have a Portfolio
Like having a website, a portfolio can also be useful, especially if you want to work as a professional writer or artist. Professional writers and artists want to showcase their work when trying finding a job that pays well. The highest paying jobs will go to those that have great artistic or even writing skills. There’s no better way to show this skill than to keep a portfolio. You can keep either a portfolio with hard-copies of articles or photographs or artwork, or design an online portfolio to highlight your skills.
5. Get a Certification
It’s great to have special skills, but having a certification can help drive the point home and get you hired on professionally. If you have worked doing roof repair in the past, getting a certification to be a roofing contractor can help propel you miles ahead. In some cases, such as with roofing contractors, you’ll need a license in the state you’re working in, to pass an exam, and show you have a couple of years of experience in the field. Once you are licensed, however, the sky’s the limit when looking for high-paying work.
6. Network
It’s important to not dismiss anyone when searching for a job, and try to network as much as possible. Networking is a great way to introduce yourself to employer prospects, and also a great way for future employers or customers to see how your personality is, and how you can fit into their company. For instance, if you have worked in the past as a Disc Jockey for a club, get in contact with other club owners, and by word of mouth soon your skills will spread. Networking is essential for anyone working today, be it contractor or with an employer.
7. Have a Great Reference List
If you’ve done stellar work in the past, make sure to keep your customers or bosses in your reference list. Having friends and family is good to show character to a future employer, but a reference list is essential to employers that want to see your past history and what you’re capable of. For instance, if you worked as an emergency plumber and were able to think quickly on your feet and solve problems, keep references for not just those whose plumbing issues you fixed, but also the owners of the plumbing company you worked for. Having special skills and references to prove those special skills goes a long way when finding a job that pays well.
8. Charge Fair Prices
No one wants to hire someone who has a history of up-charging people. Pretty soon, most customers will know that you charge more than the competition, and slowly turn away from your services. Charging fair prices, having great customer service skills, and keeping up with new technology are all helpful when finding a job that pays well. In addition, if you want to go from being a contractor to an employee, you can be sure your employer will want to contact past customers or look into your reviews. If past customers are dissatisfied, this can prove costly.
9. Consider Internships
Internships are a great way to get experience and help you in finding a job that pays well later on. Most employers want to be sure you have several years of experience working in your prospective field, and internship experience can be handy. Even if you don’t work in an internship, try and get experience wherever you can. For instance, if your family owns a shop that specializes in automotive repair, you can ask to work on cars yourself in order to learn the skills of the trade, and later on transfer these repair skills to a higher-end or higher-paying auto shop. This is just one example of how to obtain skills, even if you’re younger.
10. Finish up Your Education
Certifications and internships are great ways to get hired and help in finding a job that pays well. However, for more advanced jobs, you’ll want to get an education and finish up an Associates or Bachelor’s degree. For example, if you want to work repairing industrial air compressors, this is a highly specialized skill that will require some knowledge and a possible a bachelor’s in engineering. However, having a highly specialized skill makes you able to stand-out among the competition, and highly sought after as well.
11. Show Off your Skills
Finding a job that pays well is all about finding a job where your skills will be highly utilized and sought after. Showcase your skills in a multitude of ways, such as the aforementioned website, portfolio, and references. Or, you can also show your skills by entering a competition, for instance, which can, later on, allow you to put this on your resume and get the attention of employers.
12. Consider Sales
Selling insurance can be a lucrative career, and sales itself is a high-paying profession. Consider sales such as real-estate, selling commercial auto insurance as an insurance agent, or even sales in a retail store. Car sales people are also great at making high earning commissions. The great thing about sales is also that you don’t need much of a degree or experience. What you do need is a great personality, the ability to talk to others, and the ability to help people figure out what they want and answer their questions. If you love to work with people and are still finding a job that pays well, sales might be the answer!
13. Consider Driving
Uber and Lyft are some of the biggest gig-economy giants today and for good reason. Driving people around can earn you a pretty penny, especially if you love to drive and know your city well. However, there are also class-B licenses that allow you to work in a career such as trucking. Truckers also make a high income, earning on average about $73,000 a year when working for a private fleet. Ensure you have the proper skills to avoid trucking accidents, don’t have any disabilities that will affect your ability to stay out on the road a long while, and have a desire to explore and travel. Driving jobs could just be the best bet for you.
14. Use your Handy Skills
Not everyone has the ability to work with their hands, so using your handy skills can prove to be beneficial and land you a high-paying career. For instance, if you know how to work in carpentry, you can set up a studio at your own home and get hired to build anything from furniture to decorative instruments, and much much more. If you do decide you want to expand on your handy skills and want to work from home, rent out a warehouse that has all the features to help you store your hand-made items. A secure commercial garage door, proper ventilation for when sanding, power tools, and space to store work and tools are all essential. You might even turn this side-business into a full on enterprise.
15. Work in Building Contracting
Now, more than ever, the housing market is continuing to grow, and any job that works in building contracting, flipping houses, or remodeling is a great career field. There’s never a lack for a good contractor, foundation setter, architect, or plumber to design houses. Research areas near you that are restoring houses and have neighborhoods on the rise. If you have a passion for starting things from the ground up, restoration, or simply working with your hands, look no further than a solid, high-paying career in contracting.
There are thousands of legal ways to make money in the United States, and those opportunities aren’t limited to traditional jobs working for someone else. If you are more interested in being your own boss, you are like the owners of the 30.2 million small businesses in the US.
There is nothing more liberating than making a living without answering to those who seem to have little interest in your prolonged success and career sustainability.
There are a nearly endless number of options for the direction your career journey can take, but have you ever considered bounty hunting? The average earnings for a skilled bounty hunter is $80,000, which is pretty great for a career choice that typically requires zero higher education.
If you are interested in the requirements for bounty hunting and bounty hunter tips to help find success in the industry, continue reading through our helpful guide.
What Do Bounty Hunters Do?
Bounty hunters provide a useful service to their communities. When someone is arrested they have to come up with a certain amount of bail money to be released while awaiting trial. Often, these people use bondsmen (or bail bond services), who put up a bail bond to get the person released. In the eyes of the court, this makes the bond company responsible for the potential criminal.
In exchange for the financial aid and responsibility, bondsmen get repaid in installments with interest and fees from the jailed individual or their family.
It is a pretty stellar business model for the bondsman. However, if the person they paid bail on doesn’t show up to court, the bondsman is held responsible and their rates with their insurer can spike through the roof. This is where bounty hunters come in.
The bondsman hire these bounty hunters to track down these bail jumpers in exchange for a percentage of the bail bond amount.
These bounty hunters are similar to private investigators in that they use their tracking skills to locate the bail jumper. However, instead of using their tracking skills to acquire information and tips for an individual or the police, they actually detain and bring in the individual.
What do I Need to Become a Bounty Hunter?
The regulations surrounding the act of bounty hunting vary greatly from state to state. In fact, Oregon, Kentucky, Wisconsin, and Illinois have completely outlawed the practice of bounty hunting while some states don’t even require any licensing.
One of our most important bounty hunter tips is to check for the regulations in your specific area or the areas in which you would like to practice your business. Bail bonds and bounty hunting can be highly lucrative and symbiotic positions. Research the laws in multiple prospective areas and determine where you will be in the highest demand and compensated properly.
While we can’t get into the regulations for every single location in the US, here are some basic guidelines that can’t get you started looking in the right direction.
States That Outlaw Bounty Hunting
District of Columbia
North Carolina: bounty hunters cannot be freelance. They must work as skilled employees under a bonding agency.
South Carolina: bounty hunters cannot be freelance. They must work as skilled employees under a bonding agency.
States That Require No Formal Licensing or Training to Be a Bounty Hunter
New Jersey
Common Requirements and Limitations to Consider
Age Requirements: Some locations require bounty hunters be 18 while others can go as high as 25.
Pledges and Oaths: Some states require pledges or oaths be taken similar to officers and sheriff’s deputies.
Jurisdiction: Remember, if the person you are hunting travels out of your jurisdiction, you have no legal right to arrest them.
Gun Permits: If your state allows you to carry a gun, you will still need proper licensing and carrying permits.
Training: Training will be dependent on both your location and the bonding company with which you work.
Criminal Record: Typically, you will need to have a clean federal background check.
Citizenship: You will likely need to prove US citizenship.
Guidelines Implemented by Local Police: Many locations require you to call the police before making any arrests.
Where to Find Work as a Bounty Hunter
The best way to pursue work as a bounty hunter is by creating strong, amicable relationships with bail bondsmen in your area. Depending on where you live, you might find there are quite a few options for bonding services, so where should you look first? One of the best bounty hunter tips is to pay attention to the clients that bondsmen seek.
There are two marketing terms that you should pay attention to: “immediate” and “emergency.” If a bonding service uses these terms on their websites or marketing material, chances are they can provide you with some great leads toward contracts. Here is why:
Emergency Bonds
When bondsmen advertise that they offer emergency bail bonds, they mean they can offer approvals and assistance quickly. Quite often, this is a search being completed by individuals that are more likely to skip bail down the line. This means there are likely more opportunities available for you to take hunting contracts through the bondsmen.
Immediate Bonds
Immediate bail bonds is another marketing term often used by bondsmen offering quick turnarounds and approvals. Just like emergency bonds, this means that the regular clientele will have a higher likelihood of creating chances for you to make some money.
What Will I Need to Be a Good Bounty Hunter?
Being a great bounty hunter involves more than gaining licensing and being good at tracking. There are physical, mental, and general equipment requirements that can greatly improve your success rate. Let’s take a look at some of the things you will need.
Physical Adeptness
Physically, you should strive to be in good shape. One of our most important bounty hunter tips is to remember that arresting criminals is dangerous and any apprehension may turn into a physical altercation. If you are unable to chase, wrestle, and restrain your target, you could be seriously injured. Self defense training is especially important for bounty hunters so you might consider taking up a mixed martial art or other similar activity.
Mental Aptitude
Generally speaking, you will not need formal education above the high school level to become a bounty hunter. However, there are some mental competencies that can make your job a whole lot easier. Observational skills and logical deduction are two talents that every great bounty hunter should have. Any list of bounty hunter tips will tell you that working out your body and mind are the best things you can do to become top in your field. Many top-performing bounty hunters attended some level of college or technical school to help hone their mental sharpness and gain valuable skills.
Equipment and Tools
The equipment required for bounty hunting is fairly similar to private investigators and other niche criminal justice jobs. To start, you will need handcuffs, a cellphone, bullet proof vest, taser, pepper spray, other legal weaponry (gun, baton, etc.), any other tools you find useful to track your targets. Depending on your choice of defense tools and other equipment, the startup cost for bounty hunting can range from hundreds to thousands of dollars.
One of the more expensive pieces of equipment you will need is a vehicle. These can be decked out with protective grating, GPS devices, storage and other tools, but the most important thing is the vehicle’s reliability. We recommend a vehicle like a truck or SUV that can travel over tough terrain and during inclement weather. You should also consider opting for new trucks for sale over used vehicles because you will be putting a lot of miles on your vehicle and want it to last as long as possible.
Depending on the gear your carry and your means of transportation, you may require specific additional licensing. As we mentioned in previous bounty hunter tips, be certain to look into your local regulations before making any major purchases or decisions.
Getting Your Name Out There
The most seasoned professionals will tell you one of the most important bounty hunter tips is to make sure local bondsmen know who you are. You may want to get your name out there through old school methods like word of mouth marketing , signs and flyers, or direct marketing material. While these methods are all great in some ways, you should consider hiring a marketing consultant to assess your local market for the advertising methods that will work best.
Many bounty hunters have begun marketing exclusively online. This is because digital marketing is much cheaper thanks to pay-per-click ads while still being highly effective. In fact, most modern business is researched through internet searches, so you want to utilize SEO to get your name at the top of those lists.
Though some digital marketing is beginner-friendly, the best method to master the online frontier is by utilizing internet marketing services. These companies can help you isolate your markets online usage and implement marketing campaigns that will reach the right people. This might be through social media, internet searches, webpages, or even email marketing.
Digital Bounty Hunting: Bug Bounties, Legal Hacking, and More
With the advancement of the internet and digital technologies, there has been the creation of a market for bounty hunters online. Some of these bounty hunters utilize hacking and other activities typically against internet law to locate digital criminals. Bug bounty hunters also work in the digital landscape but they don’t track people. Instead, these tech-savvy trackers look for vulnerabilities in businesses’ security systems and report them to the company’s security team.
These positions have cause some controversy regarding the need for stricter regulation. So, if you go this route, remember that you must be invited to take part in these hunting activities. You cannot legally hack a person or company without permission, even if you have good intentions.
One of the most useful bounty hunter tips we can give you is, if you are not sure what you are doing is legal, ask employment lawyers. These legal professionals can tell you if your hiring agent is asking you to participate in illegal practices and protect you during and after any whistleblowing.
Who Would Make a Good Bounty Hunter
You can follow all the bounty hunter tips here, online, and in training manuals, but those who succeed in the field have something unique about them that truly makes them a shoe-in. Good bounty hunters are more than just strong individuals with the right tools. There are some personality traits that translate well to the position.
Interpersonal Skills: interpersonal skills are the traits a person uses to properly and effectively communicate with others. Those with these skills often come from jobs in education, customer service, or public relations.
Patience: There is a lot of waiting that goes into bounty hunting. Being able to maintain attention on a specific location or person without distraction is vital to success. These are similar skills found in government positions, healthcare, and childcare.
Even Temperament: You will be coming into contact with the nefarious type quite often and they aren’t known for being kind and making arrests easy. If you have a short fuse you can end up making poor decisions that will land you in legal trouble. Those coming from the armed forces or other branches of criminal justice often have this trait.
Ingenuity: Essentially, the more clever you are, the better you will be at bounty hunting. There are no bounty hunter tips that can make up for a lack of wit and clever thinking. people from all walks of life can meet this criteria, but it tends to show itself in the form of a sharp sense of humor.
Investigative Skills: This may seem obvious, but the best bounty hunters are also fantastic detectives. If these bail jumpers were easy to find, there wouldn’t be a lucrative career for those seeking them. If you aren’t a natural born detective, try taking some classes on criminal behavior and investigative techniques.
Final Thoughts on Bounty Hunting as a Career
Bounty hunting isn’t necessarily the right career for everyone, but to those willing to put in the work it can be fantastic. The salary range is attractive, the requirements attainable, and the work environment is exciting.
If you are interested in getting into the industry, follow our bounty hunter tips and begin your journey with research and a little soul searching. Make sure you have what it takes to get the job done, then focus on getting to know the bail bondsmen in your area.
With the right gear, proper training, and some hard work, you can find bounty hunting to be the perfect career for you.
The practice of flipping houses has been celebrated on several TV shows. Several books have been written to explain the process, and online articles like this one explain the best flipping practices. If you want to try house flipping, you may want to work with an experienced flipper before you try it on your own. If you can find someone willing to work with you, they may be able to give you insider tips, like how to select the best properties to flip.
Many beginners wonder if it could be easier to flip cheap houses. According to Investors Edge, affordable houses are often an unwise investment. Cheap houses usually require too much repair to be safe. Flippers may turn cheap houses into slow flipping houses, using them as a home base for a few years while their actual investment activities are elsewhere.
According to Wealth Builders, success in house flipping is grounded in practical planning and investment. For example, find a trustworthy house closing lawyer you can work with. According to Real Estate Skills, Michigan, Ohio, and Alabama offer some of the best areas for flipping houses. Best wishes to you on your house flipping adventures!
There are many ways to make money in this world, depending on what your specialty is. Some people have skills and education that demand a high wage (such as doctors and lawyers), while others must rely on their wit, intelligence, and business savvy in order to turn a profit through a myriad of different talents and trades. Having an education is not always required to make money, despite what you may have been led to believe. People trade stocks, bonds, and commodities from their bedrooms while others must practice business litigation law from a fancy corner office while wearing an expensive suit and displaying their legal degree.
One underrated and less commonly talked about way to make money in this world is through buying and restoring residential property, sometimes called “house flipping.” Depending on where you look up house flipping statistics, it can either seem like a perilous enterprise fraught with nothing but risk, or a piece of cake. In reality, it is neither and both at the same time. For every would-be real estate investor who thinks they know their stuff, there is another who gets in way over their head and loses everything (including the property that they just bought). It is worth knowing the risks and rewards before going into this type of activity as a financial endeavor.
In this article, we’re going to touch on some of the interesting ways that residential home buying can become a cash cow for regular individuals. We’re going to warn against tricks and bad ideas, while propping up tips and suggestions that should be able to help anyone. With a lot of hard work and some know-how, anyone can use residential properties to skew the house flipping statistics in their favor and come out on top. Who knows, it might even become your new source of income.
Identifying Properties to Buy
So you’ve decided to invest in a property somewhere, but may have hesitations when it comes to finances, knowledge, and other areas. This is understandable, as approximately 62% of Americans have less than $1,000 in savings and don’t know where they would get the down payment on a house. However, if you have other pieces of equity (car, boat, current house, etc) and a great credit score, you can bypass a lot of this right off the bat and probably qualify for an amazing home loan. If you’re willing to incorporate as an LLC, you may even be able to qualify for a small business loan from the small business administration of the US government. There may also be tax breaks or other incentives as well, so it’s worth exploring.
As you’re looking at properties to buy, you can fly solo or entrust the services of a trusted real estate agent to help you out. What you’re specifically looking for is undervalued properties or up-and-coming properties in developing neighborhoods. Every so often you will find an amazing neighborhood with a neglected property, but this is relatively uncommon. Many of the properties you find will be in various states of disrepair, and you will very quickly have the numbers of several trusted local plumbers on speed dial, depending on what neighborhoods they service. Finding distressed or unwanted properties is a bit of gambling game, and what you find online might not match what you see in person. Above all else, be patient and willing to be disappointed more often than not. Eventually, a gem will appear if you only know how to identify it.
When planning to purchase a residential property, be smart about all your decisions and think far into the future. All one has to do is look at a variety of house flipping statistics to be scared straight on the difficulties of such an endeavor. Make sure to plan for the longest loan and lowest monthly payment possible, to ensure that you always have enough cash flow to make repairs and improve the property in the short term. You should always prepare for the worst case scenario in which you cannot sell the house and simply must own it (perhaps as a rental property) outright in the long term. There are many worse situations to be in than owning another home.
Inspect the Home Before You Buy
You may have found the “perfect” property, or so you thought. If you haven’t done a quality inspection or a basic hard water test, you can’t really be sure of anything when it comes to residential properties. Depending on your area and the local laws, homeowners may only be required to list certain attributes of their homes and what condition they are in. Since homeowners looking to sell are incentivized to make the property appear as amazing as possible, it is understandable they might neglect to tell you about some things.
When you’re interested in buying a property, always get a home inspector to come out and appraise/inspect the property for you. Even if you’re well versed in residential properties or used to be a contractor, you want a licensed and legal inspector to provide the paperwork you need in order to justify any complaints you might have. Little things, like hiring a residential garage door service to inspect the door, can save you lots of money in the long run after the original owner has gotten their cash and exited.
While it’s not brought up in house flipping statistics at all, always remember that you can interview the current homeowner about their experience with the property. Anything is on the table, really. From asking if the house is haunted to querying about the neighborhood and night activity, you don’t have to just focus on the actual structure of the house. When you probe this deep, but keen interest, many homeowners may find that they would be willing to offer you a deal in order to hand the property over to someone who clearly wants it and is ready to buy instead of responding to offers from real estate agents or emails. You can learn valuable information from the current homeowner that you’ll never find on any real estate website or listing, and this will only further or dissuade your decision to purchase the property.
Customize, Accessorize and Modernize
The house flipping statistics don’t lie: more homes sell when they have modern features and custom additions than standard houses. Just like the inspections that we mentioned before, you’ll want to go through the property piece by piece and repair things while providing a modern spin in order to catch the eyes of current consumers. If the roof has been neglected, then you’ll probably want to enlist the help of roof repair services in the area. If some of the lights turn on, but flicker, then you’ll be having negotiations regularly with electricians. It may not be mentioned in house flipping statistics, but making sure that a property is in tip-top shape and available for the market is just part of the job description when it comes to home flipping.
While you’re trying to decide whether asphalt shingle roofing or a tin roof is best for your new property, you’ll also want to think about modernizing it with appropriate decorations and colors. In this regard, you’ll probably want to at least tug the ear of an interior designer to see what you could work with your new home and find out what’s both hot and affordable to make your home shine on the market. It may seem silly, but little things like wallpaper and living room paint color can easily flip a consumer from “buyer” to “crier.” Sometimes you can look at house flipping statistics to find out what home features end up selling best, other times these are left out of the official data. It’s up to you to do your own research.
If the house you’ve bought hasn’t been updated in quite a while, you might want to go room by room and either tear out most of the features or replace what’s already there with a modern equivalent. For instance, many old houses contain sub-par glass that does not insulate well and contributes to the home being outdated and having a high energy bill. While you can probably still see through it and use it as a window, it’s probably better, in the long run, to call a contractor to do custom glass and mirror installation in whatever rooms need it. Mirrors, just like glass, eventually fade from usefulness if they’re not taken care of properly. While it may seem like nobody pays attention to these things, consumers will appreciate that such useful parts of a house have been updated and modernized.
In a similar vein to replacing windows, glass, and mirrors, you must take a holistic approach to the house when it comes to everything. Rarely do homeowners take their major appliances with them, especially if they are built into the wall or combined with other appliances. While it’s not an obligation for you to rip out old appliances and replace with new ones, it will add a large price increase to the value of the home and put consumers at ease. In the short term, it also means that if you use the property for rentals or a vacation home, you’ll be able to have access to basic amenities. This same line of reasoning applies equally to bathtubs and faucets just as much as ovens and refrigerators. There are basic things that a home needs to seem “complete,” and they should not be neglected.
Don’t Neglect the Outside
Remember that a home does not just consist of the inside rooms, but is the totality of the lived experience which includes the outdoor spaces, land, and assorted greenery. This may be left off of most house flipping statistics, but that’s no reason to neglect it. From garden shed design to hiring a landscaping company to plant flowers or trim shrubs, the outside of a house is the first thing that a consumer will see and will constitute their first impression. Many a house has been sold because it looks attractive on the outside and is in a desirable area while being a fairly simple on the inside.
House flipping statistics do not often include rural areas, but you can also increase the value of a house by planting viable greenery around it that produces value. This includes things such as fruit trees (easy to care for, high yield), areas for a vegetable garden with perennials (such as tomatoes and beans) and much more. Decorative greenery, especially in urban areas, can be highly attractive because it provides privacy and “natural” style. Many consumers want to live close to everything, but at the same time have their own private oasis. If you are able to provide this, you will be giving them a lot of value.
If All Goes Well, You’ll Be in Business
Before starting this article, you may have looked at the house flipping statistics for your local or national area and said “No way, it’s too difficult for someone like me.” While it’s always good to be apprehensive about taking major financial risks, hopefully, these tips have let you know that many “average” people are able to take residential properties and turn them into profits with less risk than is commonly thought. In fact, by doing some of the work themselves or getting creative with decorating, they are able to create one of a kind properties that fetch a pretty penny. The DIY ethic has its own unique value.
You may now be wondering after reading this article, “is it worth it?” when it comes to shuffling residential property around when trying to make a profit. Unfortunately, only you can answer that question, because only you have access to the intimate knowledge of your needs, wants, and financial/life goals. If dealing with the headaches of contractors and sellers doesn’t interest you in the slightest, remember that you can always hire someone to do your bidding for you as long as you’re willing to share the profits. Remember the LLC idea that we brought up earlier? There are costs and benefits to all business transactions, and you must sit with what works personally for you and your loved ones. Unfortunately, satisfaction is not measured in any house flipping statistics that we are aware of.
While many house flippers report making an average of $25,000 on the various properties that they improve and later sell, the sky really is the limit when it comes to valuing a home. If it’s in a good area and has all the bells and whistles that consumers want, eventually it will fetch a high price. But even the most luxurious home, if it’s on a bad piece of land and in an undesirable area, will not amount to much. These are all factors to consider when you’re deciding to sell fsbo (for sale by owner) and get top dollar amount for the property. Put in the work and effort, and many times you’ll be rewarded. Perhaps you’ll even end up in the positive side of the most recent house flipping statistics.
Upgrading your home comes with several benefits, including enhanced comfort, energy efficiency, aesthetics, and value. However, you need to understand how to go about it to ensure you get excellent results. One of the best ways to handle large-scale remodels in your home is by working with a professional. It may cost you a substantial amount to pay for such services, but you will be happy with the project’s outcome. A home remodeling contractor has in-depth knowledge and outstanding experience of what you need to do to your home to make it better. The kitchen and bathroom are essential rooms that you should focus on when renovating your home.
Fortunately, a home improvement company can handle bathroom remodeling bathroom renovations and offer you affordable kitchen renovations. It is easy to find such professionals today, thanks to the internet and modern technology. You can get the best bathroom renovations from the best contractors at an affordable fee. Additionally, such renovators are better positioned to explain some of the best and cheap home makeover ideas. It is advisable to source locally for these contractors to ensure you do not incur any unnecessary expenses. You can consider getting referrals from friends, neighbors, and relatives who have worked with a reliable contractor before. This is especially essential if it is your first time looking for home renovation services.
There is nothing wrong with wanting to do home renovation and design to add a little more value to your property at this time. You would be surprised to learn how a little building rehab can significantly add value to your home in ways that you might not have expected. In fact, when looking at the best way to remodel your home, you should understand that something as simple as adding new window shutters might add serious dollars to the closing price on the property when it is all said and done.
Home and renovation projects are not simple, and they cannot be done by just anyone. You can attempt to do the projects that you are certain you have the experience and expertise available for, but you should hire in some real professionals on those jobs that you just aren’t as certain about. It can be a costly thing, but you will certainly be happy with the outcome given that you will be adding value directly to the sale price of your home when you decide it is time to let it go in this white-hot market. There are few things that add so much direct value to your pocket so easily, so make sure you take advantage of this possibility today.
How can I renovate my house for free? How do I design a kitchen remodel? How can I remodel my house with no money? How can I renovate my house for free? How do I renovate my house? These are only but a fraction of the questions that go through house owners’ minds who are looking to remodel their homes. The process of remodeling or renovating demands a lot of attention carefully planned blueprints, subsequent amount of time and energy, money, and with exceptional construction services it can be a successful project. Fortunately for those who are struggling with the aforementioned questions, this article is going to lead you to the long-awaited answers. Gone are the days when one would have to spend twice the money spent on acquiring the house on renovating it or struggling to find exceptional construction service locally and having to outsource expensive contractors. We gladly welcome the ways of today, where you yourself can renovate your home. Yes, you! There are plenty of beginner-friendly projects you can tackle like tiling and painting, and designing too. You can even have friends and family help out. There’s no need to wait for someone to give you that curb appeal, let’s show you how you can do it – and save money too.
When you have an area that would make a good apartment, it”s important to make sure that it is in good condition if you are going to rent it out. This may be a commercial apartment building, an apartment in your home or another structure that you are renting out. You will likely need a remodeling contractor to make the big changes it will take to bring your apartment up to date. Home addition and remodeling contractors understand what today’s trends look like, and they may be able to give you some suggestions for making the space look nice.
General contractors for home improvement can do things like expanding a bathroom, making more living spaces, knocking down walls that make a space choppy and more. It’s a good idea to get some home remodel inspiration and home remodel design ideas before you start the renovations. You can get great ideas from magazines, lifestyle websites and Pinterest. Once you know what you want, you can get home addition and remodeling contractors to work on the apartment and make it a great place to live. With a pretty apartment ready for tenants, you can expect a steady income from that fixed-up property.
Different corporate apartments usually have to be maintained carefully. The owners of these apartments have to make sure that the apartments look modern. If these apartments have any issues, they also must be addressed before those problems get worse. When the apartment is a 1 bedroom available for rent, they won’t have that many rooms to redecorate, but people will be that much more likely to notice every detail.
When people search for a 1 bedroom unit for rent, they’ll still pay attention to the size of the individual rooms. Any 1 bedroom available now can still have spacious rooms, even if the apartment has comparatively few rooms overall. People will expect more from all of the rooms that are present.
Individuals searching for ‘1 bedroom lofts near me’ will be particularly interested in the apartments that use space very efficiently. Lots of people specifically like lofts for this reason. A loft may technically only have one bedroom, but given the size of the overall apartment, the structure will seem very open.
When relatively small apartments use space efficiently, it’s even easier for a lot of people to live there comfortably. The apartments will be somewhat compact but not cramped.
Owning a rental property is a great way to make money. You get monthly payments from your tenants for relatively little work. However, you can make even more money by putting some work into the property. Just as making renovations in your own home can increase its value, remodeling a rental apartment can make it worth much more than it used to be. In addition to getting more money for it when you eventually sell the property, this means that you can charge more for it each month while you rent it out.
The key to remodeling a rental apartment is finding that tricky balance between putting too much money into it and too little. You don’t want to spend more than what you’ll be able to rent it out for, but you want to spend enough to truly make it more valuable and get a tenant who is willing to pay the amount you want to charge. Luckily, there are many renovation projects that are relatively inexpensive but will make a huge difference in the quality of the apartment. Let’s take a look at a few of these projects so that you can get started on making your rental property worth more.
Staying Safe When Remodeling a Rental Apartment
Before we dive into the renovation projects, we should take a moment to discuss renovation safety. You could be working with all types of tools, such as demolition shears and wire cutters, that can cause you harm if you don’t use them correctly and have the proper protection. If you’re doing any of these projects yourself, you need to know how to keep yourself and anyone else who is working safe.
One of the most important safety tips when remodeling a rental apartment is to wear the right clothing and protective equipment. If the weather allows for it, wear long pants and long-sleeved shirts to protect your skin from tools and irritants. You should always wear closed-toed shoes, preferably a pair with reinforced toes to protect your feet from falling objects. Wearing gloves is also a good idea for renovation projects. If you’re spraying, drilling, or sawing, you need to wear safety goggles or glasses. If there is going to be a lot of noise, remember to wear earplugs to protect your hearing.
No matter how many precautions you may take, accidents happen and you need to be prepared for them. Put together a first aid kit before you begin the projects so that you have bandages and ointment available in case you are injured. You should also know where the nearest urgent care is in case of emergency. If someone gets burns or cuts that require stitches, you will need to take them for professional medical treatment and you don’t want to waste time looking up where the closest facility is. It’s much better to be prepared for incidents like these than to be taken by surprise and let an injury get worse because you didn’t know what to do.
Update the Kitchen
The kitchen is one of the most important rooms in any home. A great kitchen is a sign of a great apartment and tenants will be willing to pay more for a kitchen that has updated equipment and aesthetics. Start with the appliances. Make sure that the dishwasher, refrigerator, oven, and microwave all have matching finishes. This will help give the kitchen a more cohesive look. You don’t necessarily need to spend money on top-of-the-line appliances, but upgrading the appliances will boost the function and style of the kitchen.
Once the appliances are up to snuff, consider the countertops and cabinets. If the cabinets just need a fresh coat of paint and new hardware to look modern and fresh, you can do that yourself. If the cabinets and countertops look outdated or grungy and you need to completely gut the kitchen, look up kitchen remodeling companies in your area. You can save more money by going to one company for a total kitchen remodel and you’ll have peace of mind knowing that they did the renovation right. By having a professional company do these renovations when remodeling a rental apartment, they’re likely to be of higher quality and you’re less likely to have to pay for repairs to those renovations in the near future.
Focus on Curb Appeal
The building’s exterior is the first thing potential tenants will see when they tour an apartment. It’s important that the exterior makes a great first impression. The landscaping around the building will have a major impact on the curb appeal. You’ll want to make the front lawn look tidy and well-maintained, but keep the landscaping inexpensive and low-maintenance so that you don’t need to give it too much of your time or money. If you’re willing to spend a little to save in the long-run, it may be a good idea to install automated features like a sprinkler system. Then, you’ll only need to worry about the lawn’s upkeep when you need residential sprinkler system repair. Doing other simple tasks like trimming back trees and installing planters in front of the building can go a long way in boosting the property’s curb appeal.
Another simple way to improve curb appeal when remodeling a rental apartment is to replace or paint the front door. This can give the property a fresh look for relatively little work. If the property has a porch or balcony, be sure that it is clean and well-maintained. Not only does it impact the curb appeal, but a porch or balcony is a big draw for potential tenants.
Another element of curb appeal is the building’s roof. An old roof or a roof in need of repair can make the entire building look run-down. The quality of the roof can also affect the inside of the building, as it is meant to protect against leaks and provide good insulation. If your property’s roof is in need of repair, contact a roofing company.
If it’s been about 20 years since the roof was replaced, ask the company about a total roof replacement. Although a roof replacement is pricier than other projects on this list, it’s a great opportunity to make your property more valuable and more energy efficient. You could invest in metal roof installation, which helps lower energy bills by reflecting sunlight and keeping your home cooler. Metal roofs also last longer and are more durable than standard asphalt roofs, which could help you avoid having to repair or replace the roof again. Another energy-efficient feature you could pursue is working with solar contractors to install solar panels on the roof. This will help keep energy costs down and add significant value to the property. It’s also am eco-friendly amenity that many potential tenants will love, making your apartment more desirable than other ones on the market.
Install New Floors
The floors in an apartment are a key sign of quality. If your property is covered in outdated, wall-to-wall carpeting, consider replacing it with hardwoods. Not only do tenants like hardwoods better, but you’ll have an easier time getting the apartment ready for new tenants if you don’t have to deal with carpeting. Carpeting tends to trap smells and requires more maintenance with deep cleanings and stain removals. Hardwood flooring is also more modern in appearance, which can potentially add more value to your property.
When you’re remodeling a rental apartment, install new floors last. The other projects you need to do will probably create a bit of dirt and dust that will land directly on the floors. If you put down brand new hardwoods before the messy part of remodeling, you’ll have to spend even more time cleaning them up. The exception to this rule is if you’re installing new appliances in the kitchen. Getting new floors in should be the penultimate step and installing appliances should be the very last step.
Renovate the Bathroom
Just as the kitchen is a spot where tenants look for modern updates, so is the bathroom. When you’re remodeling a rental apartment, it can be a huge mistake to skip over the bathroom. Potential tenants want a bathroom that looks nice and that functions well. At the very least, you should make simple improvements such as replacing the toilet seat, the shower head, and the sink and cabinet hardware. These are affordable replacements that can make a big difference in the appearance of the bathroom.
If the bathroom needs plumbing repairs in order to function correctly, contact a residential plumbing company in your area. By calling a professional, you can be sure that the repairs are done correctly and that you won’t have to waste money paying for repairs to the repairs. The plumbing isn’t an area that you’ll want to DIY.
The bathrooms in many rental properties tend to be on the smaller side, so you need to do what you can to maximize the space and give tenants a functional bathroom. One simple way to do this is to install shelves. This will give the tenant storage but it won’t take a lot of room or money. Another option is to convert the bathtub into a walk-in shower. This project will take a bit more money, but it is certain to increase the floor space in the bathroom.
When you’re focusing on the bathroom, be sure to look out for issues like water damage and mold. The bathroom, kitchen, and basement are the spaces in a home that are most likely to have problems like these. If a potential tenant sees any sign of water damage or mold, they’re going to rent from someone else. Hire professionals for mold remediation or water damage repair as soon as you can to fix the issue. Working with experienced professionals is important, as mold will keep cropping up if you don’t get down to the root of the issue.
Create an Open Floor Plan
One of the most sought-after features in a home or apartment is an open floor plan. Not only will the phrase alone be a big attraction for potential tenants, but an open concept will make the apartment feel larger and brighter. Tenants will be willing to pay more for an apartment that feels large and bright over one that feels enclosed and dark, even if the square footage is technically the same.
If you have the time and money, put in the work to transform the apartment into one with an open floor plan. Unless you have experience knocking down walls to open up a space, you should contact a professional for this project. Some walls are load bearing, which means that they hold the weight of the building. Taking down this type of wall incorrectly can mean disaster for the building’s structure. Work with a professional to ensure that the project goes smoothly and you don’t incur greater expenses while trying to create an open floor plan.
Add Popular Amenities
One way to convince tenants to pay more for an apartment is to add amenities that they’re looking for. Certain features will help set your property apart from that of other landlords, fill vacancies, and give you an opportunity to raise the rent.
A key amenity is central air conditioning. If you are remodeling a rental apartment in an older building, you may need to work with a professional to do serious work on the building’s HVAC but it will be worth it. Renters are often stuck in apartments without central A/C and have to resort to window units to keep cool in the summer, taking up their precious window space. If they don’t have to mess with window units and can keep their windows free of them all year round, they’ll probably pay a little more for your property.
Another major draw for renters is a washer and dryer in the unit. Renters often face the challenge of going to a laundromat whenever they need to do their laundry, so having a washer and dryer right in their home adds a significant layer of convenience. Dishwashers are another sought-after appliance in rental units. Tenants will love any type of added convenience and are more likely to pay a higher rent for them.
Renters also value outdoor amenities, like outdoor living areas and off-street parking. If you can provide a place for your tenants to sit outside and enjoy nice weather, such as a patio or balcony, give that to them. If you can create a fenced-in yard for pets, that’s an even bigger bonus for all of the pet owners out there looking to rent. Having a driveway, carport, or small lot for your tenants is another popular amenity, especially in busy areas. If you live in a snowy climate, give your tenants covered parking spots. They’ll love not having to dig their cars out of the snow every time they need to leave the house.
Remodeling a rental apartment can be a major project to take on, but it can be very worthwhile. With just a little bit of work, you can attract more tenants to your property to fill vacancies and start to charge more for the updates you’re making. By remodeling a rental apartment with both cost and value in mind, you can make smart changes that will put more money in your pocket in the long run.
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If you do, you may be ready to jump into the pool of over 30 million small businesses in the United States.
Having a great idea is the first step for how to go about starting your own business, but there are plenty more to follow. To make sure your vision doesn’t get lost among the masses, follow these great tips to getting your business off the ground.
Research Your Market
The first step of how to go about starting your business is to do a little market research.
Market research blends research of market trends and target-consumer behavior to help you discover the likelihood of being successful with your business. additionally, great market research can help improve business plans to make them more profitable and manageable.
Well-done market research can answer all these questions:
Do consumers have a want or need for your service?
Is there enough demand for your services to justify the cost?
What is the potential for income in the current market?
Where are your potential customers located?
How much competition is there for your services (how saturated is the field?)
How much do your competitors charge for similar services and products?
Create a Foolproof Business Plan
A big part of your business plan comes from the information compiled through market research, which is why that’s the first step. With your research complete; though, you can begin filling in other portions of your business plan.
Though the content will vary based on your business needs, here are the basic components of a business plan.
Executive Summary
Company Structure/ Business Description
Market Research Results
Financial Necessity
Projected Income
Executive Summary
A business plan is more than just a road map for the creation of your business, it also serves as a tool for potential investors to learn more about the company, its goals, and how it plans to reach said goals. So, consider the executive summary of the first impression of your company on investors. Include information like the company background, positive highlights that make your company stand out, or an overview of management and involved personnel.
Company Structure/ Business Description
When you think about how to go about starting your own business, there are some questions to consider.
What are you selling? Who are you selling to? How will your business operations to reach sales goals? This is all information to incorporate in the company structure portion of your business plan.
If you are going to create a commercial plumbing business, for instance, focus on how your customers will find you, how the contracting process works, what services you specifically will provide, and how customers are expected to pay.
Market Research Results
Pop all your information from market research right here. Be sure to use visual data like graphs and charts to help investors easily read your information.
Financial Necessity
This is the question investors may be most interested in – how much money does your company need to get off the ground? Include information about the funds you already have, how you plan to raise additional capital, and if you plan to need additional funds later in your startup period.
Projected Income
Use your market research to determine how much revenue you plan to make in the first 12 months of operating your business. Include projections for increased revenue overtime for the next 3-5 years.
If you plan on applying for bank loans or anything similar, include financial documentation to help get your application approved.
Find a Location
One of the most important questions on how to go about starting your own business is, “where will you put it?”
Some businesses do well being run out of an owner’s home, which can save you a lot of money in overhead costs. However, most businesses will require the leasing of a commercial building. A commercial real estate lease is different from typical rental agreements as they lay out exactly what you are allowed to do with the building in your time there. These details are important because you might have a need to install specialty equipment, counters, security gates, etc.
Don’t be afraid to shop around. You don’t want to sign a legally binding contract for one location only to find an even better, cheaper place a few days later.
Building Your Own Location
Some business owners may opt to build a custom location for their new business. If you take this route, insist on using only the best service providers for the job. Before focusing on how to go about starting your own business, take the time to look into each of your contractors, and keep your investment safe from avoidable disasters. For example, only hire a top-rate electrical contractor, even if the cost is higher. This can save you hundreds of thousands of dollars down the line.
Additionally, be certain your building is erected in an area zoned for business to avoid legal issues and a potential need to relocate.
Name your Business
You might be thinking, “shouldn’t I have done that already?”
It might be tempting to pick a business game right out of the gate, and there is no shame in doing so. However, before filing documentation to create the legal name for your business, look through your market research and investor notes to make a good decision that fits your personality, your company’s vibe, and grabs customer’s attention.
Making sure your company name matches your product is one of the most important parts of how to go about starting your own business. Also, avoid spelling your name in a creative way that makes it impossible for customers to remember.
Before registering your business name, conduct some research to ensure the name isn’t taken by another business. Also, check for domain names that interest you. You don’t want to register a business name just to find out that all closely related domains are already taken. Especially since domain owners are known to charge shockingly high amounts for the sale of the domain name’s rights.
Register your Business
At this point, you should have picked out a business name that makes you happy and reflects your business. That means it is time to register your business
There are a few details to consider when determining how to register your business:
If you operate under your personal name, there is no need to register your business.
Most small businesses can become registered simply by registering their business name with both local and state governments.
Most businesses don’t need to register with the federal government but doing so is necessary for trademark protection as well as the ability to claim tax-exempt status.
S Corps must register with the federal government due to their additional tax benefits
Apply for Tax Numbers
There are a lot of ideas for how to go about starting your own business, but this is a step you simply cannot skip. Applying online for your federal and state tax numbers are necessary to hire employees, open business bank accounts, pay taxes, and apply for business-specific licenses.
It is recommended that you apply for tax numbers as soon as you finish registering your business (if applicable).
Apply for Licenses
Opening a bar? There’s a license for that.
Raising and selling cattle across state lines? There’s a license for that, too.
Installing commercial ac units? You guessed it – there’s a license for that.
In fact, there are dozens of business-specific licenses you may be required to hold. Be certain to research your industry and check for any credentials or licenses you are required to hold in order to legally operate your business.
Get a Bank Account
No matter how convenient it may seem to use your personal account for your business, a separate company bank account is one of the first steps to take when determining how to go about starting your own business.
A business bank account is important for tax purposes, monitoring expenses, and identifying fraudulent activity. Additionally, building a business relationship with a bank is important in case you need to apply for a company credit card or business loan in the future.
Get Advertising Materials
You need to get your company’s name into the mouth of potential customers. To do this, consider purchasing audience-targeted marketing material.
A lot of small businesses have success running t-shirt campaigns for their brands. Research screen printing services to find an option that fits in your price range and can create unique and wearable shirts or other items.
Business cards, pens, and other promotional items are also great ways to spread the news about your business.
Implement Social Media Marketing
The marketing world has changed. Radio and tv spots are great, but they are extremely expensive. Many highly successful brands have reached their success without ever paying for those expensive advertising slots. That’s because they implement social media marketing.
Social media marketing is done through creating, maintaining, and properly utilizing business accounts on websites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and even YouTube. Creating content that both engages your customer base and provides relevant company information is an inexpensive way to watch your consumer base grow and your influence spread.
If you’re not an expert at social media, there are professional social media managers who can create content for your pages and maintain contact and interaction with your followers.
Improve Your Google Search Rate
If there is anyone way to spend money to improve your advertising, it is on a good digital marketer. When it comes to how to go about starting your own business, this is one step you don’t want to skip.
A skilled marketer or SEO expert can update your website content to push it to the top of Google search results. This is majorly important for the success of your business because nearly 50% of all Google searches are for local businesses and services. Missing out on being in those search results can destroy a business.
Though a professional is the best way to improve your google search ranking, you can also implement some DIY techniques like:
Fix broken website links
Claim your Google business listing
Start a blog and back-link to your website
Keep your website speedy and error-free
Keep your Business Safe
When thinking about how to go about starting your own business, you might not stop to consider keeping the business safe. However, there are many steps to take in this regard that should be implemented early on.
Keep Communications Secure
Data and network cabling can be unsightly, which might lead to business owners opting to use wireless connections. Remember, Wi-Fi is a great selling point to offer customers, but it is not a secure way to complete digital transactions that relate to the business.
Wireless connections are notoriously easy to hack, and you wouldn’t want someone gaining access to your tax information, HR documents, or client details.
Get a Lawyer
Sure, lawyers can be expensive to retain, but their services are truly invaluable. A commercial tenant eviction attorney is especially helpful if you are facing the loss of your business location.
A lawyer can also look over contracts, evaluate workplace legal issues, and ensure your rights are respected.
Use Commercial-Grade Equipment
Whether you build your own company space or lease a pre-existing one, it is important to ensure that the building materials are up to snuff.
For instance, windows in your business should be made from durable plexiglass or tempered glass at a commercial-grade thickness. If your building is using standard, thin, residential-style glass windows and doors, you may have an expensive accident waiting to happen. Call a commercial glass expert to determine the cost of upgrading your materials.
A similar case can be made for commercial lighting. Standard light fixtures can become costly to install as they aren’t meant to illuminate large areas. Additionally, some lights, like low-hanging dining lights, need to be carefully chosen to ensure customers won’t burn themselves, break the bulbs, or suffer any other injuries.
You’re Ready to Start Your Business
There are a lot of origin points for how to go about starting your own business, but they all involve a lot of hard work and stress. However, if you are truly passionate about your business idea, the entire experience will be worth it.
Don’t let the fear of all the steps to starting a business keep you away. Take each level of business creation one step at a time and trust in partners and investors to help you along the way.
Saving money is a useful topic everyone can get behind — whether you’re a school teacher or a trendy social media influencer. It’s also a skill that you can continuously improve on, even if you already consider yourself a financial whiz. Therefore, if you wish to learn about how to save money more efficiently, continue reading.
1. Create Passive Streams of Income
Yes, learning how to save money is valuable, but creating passive income should hold just as much weight as saving your money when discussing finances. Not only will you never run out of cash as it will be flowing freely into your account, but you won’t even have to work for it actively! It’s never been easier for the average person to create these kinds of streams of income, and this is all due to the internet.
You can write an e-book or create an affiliate marketing blog.
If you’re looking to dive into a more serious form of creating passive income, look into purchasing investment homes.
2. Buy Food in Bulk
Anyone that knows how to save money more efficiently will tell you to buy your foods in bulk if you want to reap the savings. However, this depends on what you’re buying. If you run a household of four people, yes, buy the essentials in bulk. This can include staples like potatoes, salad, or milk.
However, if you’re single, it may not be necessary to buy such large quantities of food. In fact, it may be wasteful. If you wish to shop in bulk, buy foods with a longer shelf life. Think beans, grains like quinoa, and oats for breakfast.
Buy your veggies fresh at the farmer’s market if you wish to buy fresh produce, but not pay an arm and a leg for it.
3. Extreme Couponing
Have you ever seen those reality shows where the extreme couponers end up leaving the grocery store with more money than they came in with? This is a good skill to learn if you want to know how to save money more efficiently. No, you don’t have to be that excessive, but coupons are perfect if you’re trying to save some cash.
Know where to look to save money on essentials like toilet paper, or even your favorite brand of icecream.
If you’ve recently fallen in love with a new brand, shoot them in email and let them know how much you loved their product. They may send you a few coupons as their way of saying thanks!
Online couponing sites and the newspaper are two other great resources you can use to your advantage.
3. Avoid Fast Fashion Clothing When Shopping
Fast fashion clothing is cheap, abundant, and easy to find. However, you’ll end up paying the ultimate price every time you have to replace your dress shirt and slacks every few months due to the poor quality. Invest a little bit more money upfront when shopping for clothes.
If buying designer is too expensive, buy high-quality secondhand clothing instead. This is also a great alternative for the environment.
4. Buy a Used Car if You Need a Vehicle
You can buy a used car that feels like brand new, especially with auto loan rates these days. Many people choose a used car over a brand new one since the insurance is typically cheaper, and you’ll likely save a ton of money by paying less upfront.
If you want to save even more money, look for a used car that doesn’t need a lot of maintenance. Though that European car on the lot looks nice, getting it repaired could cost a small fortune, so make the responsible decision if you wish to learn how to save money more efficiently.
5. Ride Your Bike or Walk to Work
Your gas bill can get uncontrollably high if you’re driving your car around town every single day. Therefore, if you want to shave some money off of this expense, look into alternative forms of transportation. You can walk to work if you need exercise. You can also ride your bike if your workplace is farther away. Taking the subway or the bus is another cost-effective way to get from point A to point B if you wish to learn how to save money more efficiently!
6. Pay Off Your Credit Cards Immediately
Need an easy idea on how to save money more efficiently as a credit card holder? Listen up.
At the time of purchase, using your credit card to fund your shopping spree sounds like a phenomenal idea since you don’t have to pay all that dough upfront. However, allowing your credit card debt to pile up can get overwhelming and can also cost you more money in the long run.
With every month of making only minimum payments, the interest rate can skyrocket from month to month, drastically increasing the total amount of money you owe your credit card company. Avoid this altogether by paying your balance in full every month. Your credit score will thank you later!
7. Prioritizing Cooking at Home Over Eating Out
Another quick way to learn how to save money more efficiently is to hold off eating at restaurants. Eating at home is the easiest way to save money. Not to mention, cooking your own meals is more rewarding too. It’s also significantly healthier.
If you’ve never been the kind of person that enjoys making homecooked meals, invest in a couple of cookbooks and teach yourself this valuable life skill.
8. Brew Your Own Coffee
Coffee is one of those things the typical Amecian can’t go a day without. It’s the main reason why coffee shops are thriving. But that four-dollar cup of joe every day adds up. Over the course of the entire month, this can add up to $124 — and not to mention, most shops will add a surcharge if you add plant milk or extra syrup.
Therefore, make your own coffee at home. With some practice and patience, you can learn how to make it like the barista pros too.
9. Make the Great Outdoors Your Gym
Gym memberships have gotten ridiculously out of hand! If you wish to stay in shape for a fraction of the price, consider working out outdoors.
Go for a run, and then follow this up with a quick yoga session in your backyard. Wish to lift weights? This isn’t a problem either if you invest in a set and stick to at-home workouts instead. You can go hiking in your local park as well.
10. Join Rewards Programs for Places You Frequently Visit
If your favorite restaurant has a discount for rewards members, sign up! You could get a free meal or an impressive discount on your favorite goods and services. If you have ever wondered how to save money more efficiently, while also getting a delicious deal out of it, this is how.
11. Sign Up for a Travel Credit Card
If you have had a positive credit history and wish to see the world, sign up for a travel credit card. Convert everyday expenses into airfare and nights at hotels. You’ll end up paying a fraction of the cost every time the travel bug bites you.
12. Use Groupon for Fun Experiences
Need to get your car tuned up? Want to try a new boutique yoga studio? Perhaps you want to check out a new art exhibit nearby. Always check Groupon if this is the case. They can have deals that are up to 75% off the normal ticket price.
13. Keep Your Home’s Level of Maintenance in Check
Check the Heating and Air Conditioning
Air conditioners can break if they aren’t properly maintained — but how can you save money more efficiently with this knowledge? A technician can charge you for parts and labor, so it’s best to maintain the upkeep yourself when you can.
Ensure Your Home’s Insulation is in Great Shape
Speaking of heating and cooling, did you know that most of it escapes through the windows and doors? This can cause your energy bill to rise up drastically. However, if you’re adamant about saving money, make sure your windows are in great shape.
Install energy-efficient windows if you notice your bill isn’t getting any lower. You can also try lowering your thermostat 5 degrees lower in the winter and 5 degrees higher in the summer. You don’t want to feel like you’re trapped in an icebox or a sauna, so experiment. What feels comfortable, but also saves you some cash?
Make Sure the Floor is Pristine
Getting your floors professionally cleaned can also cost you a good chunk of change, therefore clean them yourself every day.
Oriental rug restoration is the exception, as this isn’t something you can do yourself with household materials. However, you can use baking soda to make sure your carpets smell fresh and clean.
Avoid DIY Projects in the Home
Unless you’re quite handy yourself, it’s best to let an experienced professional handle most of your home improvement issues. While this may be more costly upfront, it’s better to get it done right the first time!
Get Your Roof Inspected After a Storm
if you’re worried about the state of your roof after a nasty storm, call roofing contractors to assure you that you won’t have to install a new one.
14. If You’re an Empty Nester, Sell Your Home
If you have an unwanted property or there’s nothing tying you down to your current family home, sell your home fast for cash. Put this money towards retirement or travel and see the world.
15. Put Your Health First
Take care of your body now when you’re healthy, so you don’t have to pay thousands of dollars in medical expenses and medication down the line. Choose healthy whole foods when meal planning, and try to get at least thirty minutes of exercise a day.
The same can be said for your hygiene — if you neglect it, you’ll end up paying the price tenfold in time. Brush and floss often to avoid things like cavity fillings or root canals.
16. Find Free Ways to Keep Yourself Entertained
Over the years, movie theatre tickets have reached an all-time high. Factor in your entertainment expenses if you wish to put more money into your savings every month. Go to free events, or spend your time reading at the library instead if you want to learn how to save money more efficiently.
17. Learn More About Financial Literacy
People make silly mistakes with their money. They just don’t understand how to save money more efficiently. However, this can be due to the fact that they simply don’t know any better. Financial literacy isn’t talked about as much as it should be, therefore educate yourself on everything related to investing, saving, and making money.
There are serval books on the topic. Spending a few days learning about this will allow you to be more financially savvy and make better financial choices.
18. Prevent Break-ins
A break-in into your home is not only scary, but it can also cost you thousands of dollars in damage. Therefore, install a smart home security system for your peace of mind.
19. Sell the Things You Don’t Need
Having a cluttered home can make you feel weighed down, so turn your unwanted things into cash for a rainy day. Visit a coin dealer if you have collectibles you no longer need.
20. If You Vehicle Needs Repairs, Don’t Delay
If you’ve been in an accident and your car needs collision repair, don’t put it off as this can cause more damage to your vehicle the more you drive it.
It can be easy to let your spending habits go wild, but reel those urges in and follow these tips. Though most of these ideas are small, they can all add up in the long run to save you hundreds, if not thousands of dollars every single year!
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Right now, it’s never been more difficult for a lot of people to make money. The new definitions between what constitutes essential and non-essential businesses have shuttered a lot of companies, and the economic crisis surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic has shuttered some companies permanently. Therefore, a lot of people, many of which are quarantined with less on their plates than ever, are looking for new ways to make money. While remote work is certainly an option that can keep you safe and less likely to catch the coronavirus, there are a limited amount of remote opportunities available, even for qualified people. Therefore, many have developed a new interest in the stock market; and those who have already invested wisely have something of a cushion to rely upon as the pandemic wreaks havoc on the rest of their normal lives. Nonetheless, it can be a bit difficult to determine what exactly are smart stocks to invest in right now.
Many of us likely haven’t put much thought to the stock market until now. If you’re new to investing, perhaps the most important thing to do right now is to evaluate what industries are consistently doing well despite the pandemic crisis. And if you’re more experienced, you should probably be making the same evaluations nonetheless. Even experienced investors are now having to reevaluate what they were planning on doing with their money now that the pandemic is in play. The economy is more unpredictable than ever, with unexpected industries rising to take advantage of new opportunities, while old mainstay companies are looking at potential bankruptcy. Tactics that were once considered foolproof may no longer work as they once did. Recently, it was revealed that around 97% of real estate investors planned to increase the amount of capital they allocated to real estate over the next 18 months or so. Now that the pandemic has put a lot of people off of moving or buying real estate, they may have to change those plans. With that being said, you can only make determinations based on the information you have at the moment. Therefore, let’s look into industries that could potentially present smart stocks to invest in right now.
1. Consumer Staples
Would you have thought a few months ago that you should invest, both literally and financially, in toilet paper? Probably not. But one thing the pandemic has proven is that consumer staples are what people will prioritize when they fear a crisis on the horizon. If consumers could fill warehouses with toilet paper and paper towels right now, they probably would. But these are far from the only consumer staples that present potentially smart stocks to invest in right now.
New investors may also want to look into major food companies; not necessarily those associated with the restaurant industry, of course. Though restaurants are attempting to maintain their income through takeout and delivery, the pandemic has nevertheless hit the industry hard. If anything, consumers have responded by putting their money into delivery apps and services, which is why such companies have reported unusually high growth percentages. That sector in itself could present smart stocks to invest in right now. In general, however, restaurants offer luxuries and not practicalities. People will want food that they can buy inexpensively, for meals that they can safely at home.
Conversely, now is probably not the time to invest in lux companies in general. While consumers may want to buy custom jewelry, they probably can’t right now. A lot of people are choosing to squirrel away their money even if they’re financially stable at the moment. Those seeking to invest should look towards needs versus wants in this current economic climate.
2. Energy And Utilities
Speaking of needs versus wants, it’s virtually impossible to live in this world without energy and utilities. While some consumers may find it difficult to manage their bills at the moment, they’ll prioritize their “musts” first. A credit card bill might be ignored; however, a gas bill won’t be. If anything, concern over what could happen during the pandemic has led a lot of consumers to get overcautious, with some even buying generators to act as backups in case they lose power during the pandemic.
It’s true that investing in gas and electric companies may not sound like as much fun as investing in exciting startups, or fancy companies offering goods like handmade leather bags. But in many ways, investors should look at stocks and consider their income potential. Try to keep personal preference out of it, and focus on what you would very practically need in case of an emergency, and where your money would go. For a lot of people, this is going to mean steering away from some of the more “exciting” stock options, and going towards something more reliable. Remember too that as much as you can make money when investing, you can potentially lose money as well. The last thing you need during a pandemic is a financial loss. So use caution over excitement when making your plans during the current pandemic.
For that matter, listen to the experts. A lot of financial advisers can tell you about smart stocks to invest in right now, and if they steer you towards energy and utilities, listen to them. Now is the time to sit back and learn about your stock options, rather than trying to act too quickly. While it may be easy to get panicky during a crisis like this and invest in some new company that seems to be skyrocketing, remember that it’s smarter to look for industries that are reliable and well-tested.
3. Pharmaceuticals
The pandemic is changing the healthcare industry in many different ways. For one thing, it is very much under strain. Medical personnel are currently under an increasing amount of pressure, and a lot of people are hesitant to take jobs within the industry for fear of being exposed to the virus. For another, however, companies within the industry are more necessary now than ever. The pharmaceutical industry has always been reliable, as people will always need their medications. But now, consumers are becoming even more aware of their health risks, and they’re prioritizing their well-being in order to be as healthy as possible in the face of the coronavirus. This is obviously a great thing in general. However, it almost means that the pharmaceutical industry presents a lot of smart stocks to invest in right now.
Right now, a lot of consumers are being advised to reevaluate their health plans and to try to stay out of the hospital or urgent care centers as much as possible. This is both due to the fact that there is currently undue strain on the healthcare system, with a lot of hospitals being concerned about running out of beds, and due to the fact that hospitals and urgent care centers are potential epicenters for COVID-19. Therefore, Americans are trying to stay on top of their health and taking their pharmaceutical medications regularly. Furthermore, a lot of them are buying pharmaceutical products that are more supplemental, in an effort to further fortify their systems.
Of course, there’s another reason why there are smart stocks to invest in right now within the pharmaceutical industry. Obviously, a lot of pharmaceutical companies are essentially competing with one another in an attempt to provide treatments, and ideally a cure for COVID-19. This means that they’re taking in a lot of money, and also making money through the products they create for researchers that are exploring cures. While the idea of profiting off of the pandemic is not particularly appealing to anyone, the fact is that these companies do offer smart stocks to invest in right now because they are very much needed. Furthermore, the more that is invested in the pharmaceutical industry, the faster these companies can work to hopefully create options for those suffering from the coronavirus.
4. IT And Telecommunications
Like the pharmaceutical industry, IT and telecommunications have always been fairly strong and steady industries. Therefore, they would probably be able to offer good stock options at any point in time. However, now more than ever it’s become truly necessary to be able to communicate easily and reliable with people, and to be able to use technology without worrying about it collapsing. This is in large part because a lot of companies and schools are currently operating remotely. Therefore, phones and videoconferencing technology are being relied upon by students and employees alike. For that matter, many companies are executing tasks that would typically be done within an office remotely, which means that they need to be able to use easy to understand, foolproof software. If you’re looking for smart stock options right now, tech is truly everywhere. It was already important; now it’s crucial.
For example, it’s one thing for a company to have its employees working from home. It’s another matter entirely for those employees to be working at home without checking in with their managers and supervisors. Virtual offices allow them to be supervised remotely, and to easily check in with their managers. The difference between this type of technology and the type of fun videoconferencing tech that we use at home is that virtual offices can be monitored by upper management at the company, which means that there is less of a risk of company hours being wasted at home, or for that matter, unprofessional behavior going unnoticed.
Businesses are very much aware that there is a potential for a loss of revenue or productivity due to remote operations. Therefore, being able to access technology like reliable supply chain management software is remarkably important. A lot of businesses are also looking to outsource some of their remote operations to other companies, in an effort to save money. These third parties also offer interesting investment opportunities.
Of course, companies that specialize in communication solutions companies offer smart stocks to invest in right now as well, for similar reasons. It’s not enough to be able to talk to people on the phone when you’re quarantined. Now, people want to feel as if they can communicate more clearly with coworkers and loved ones alike, with less of a risk for confusion or that ever-so-annoying buffering. Importantly, communications technology represents both a need and want. People need to stay in close touch with their employees and students. People want to stay in touch with their loved ones. Communications technology also represents an important psychological factor, in that it keeps people from feeling as isolated as they would otherwise. This is more valuable than you might initially think, as the quarantine is causing a lot of conflict and mental health issues for people who feel as if they’ve really lost touch with each other. It goes beyond just looking at smart stocks to invest in right now and seeking out companies that could very well be what people lean on to stay connected in the future.
It’s difficult to know what the future holds for people in general, as well as many different industries. Remote data center services may very well be what a lot of companies find themselves turning to for guidance when altering the way that they work in a post-pandemic world. Consumers are having groceries that they once would have shopped for themselves delivered to their doorsteps. Much of the way that we live has changed, and in that sense, much of the way that we once invested has to change as well.
If you’re a more experienced investor, keep in mind that what may have seemed like a great idea a few months ago may no longer represent smart stocks to invest in right now. If you’re new, be cautious with your money but at the same time recognize the opportunities available to you. Now may not be the time to get rich quick off of investments, but it could present an opportunity for you to safeguard yourself and your family financially.