Certified investment advisors and financial planners are no longer exclusive to millionaires — these days, everyone can benefit from working with a financial advisor. Currently, about 25% of Americans have a financial advisor to help them optimize their money management.
If you already have a financial advisor, you probably just work with him or her on savings or working toward debt repayment. However, there are actually a vast number of different services that a certified financial planner can provide — and by taking advantage of them, your finances will be significantly better-off.
Take a look at these four examples of services that your certified financial planner can provide:
1. Tax planning: Tax season can make anyone want to pull their hair out. Luckily, your financial adviser is a great resource for you as you fill out your tax forms. Financial advisers can fill out your paperwork quickly and correctly, saving you from the risk of hefty fines if you were to fill it out on your own and make a mistake.
2. Wealth transfer: If you want your funds to be more tax-efficient, you should consider planning for wealth transfer with the help of your certified financial advisor. Wealth transfer technically happens after you pass away, but it’s never too early to have a plan set for when that happens.
3. Help with retirement saving: If you haven’t started saving up for your retirement yet, now is the right time to do it. As federal resources for retirees continue to dwindle, the need for Americans to have saved up enough to live a comfortable retirement grows significantly. And here’s a scary thought: only 37% of Americans have figured out how much money they will need for their retirement!
4. Asset protection: If you are considering filing for bankruptcy or are in overwhelming debt, it’s important to seek help from a certified financial advisor to help protect your assets from bank repossession or liquidation. Otherwise, you could find yourself without a house, a car and even more. Check out this site for more.