Top 7 Benefits to Using a Currency Sorter Machine

Check cheque

There are countless ways in which advances in technology is improving our lives and at our places of business. In 1980, the first fully electronic cash counter machine was introduced in Great Britain. Currency counter machines can count paper money or batches of coins. These machines are really a combination of a money counter machines with a business scanner.

How Using Cash Counter Machines Can Help Your Business.

  1. It will save you time. When your employees count the money they receive, they do it an average of three times. They also do it a lot slower than money counter machines can do it. Currency counter machines can count a lot of cash in just a few seconds. When you take the longer counting time that is required when people are responsible for counting cash, then you multiply that by three, you can see just how much time is saved by using a cash counting machine.
  2. It will improve the customer service that you provide. When your staff no longer has to deal with counting and recounting the cash that you receive, your employees can spend that time providing your customers with better service. They can also help more people because they are not wasting their time counting and recounting all that cash that your business handles.
  3. Currency counting machines are much more accurate. Even when people count and then recount and repeat that, mistakes are very possible. Anything can distract a person during the counting process and then have to start it all over again, elongating the process and taking up more valuable time that they could spend doing other things. By contrast a currency counter with a business scanner can take a pile of banknotes and collection of coins and count them accurately. They have an accuracy rate of 100%. Many machines can give you a breakdown of what denominations of the bank notes and the coins have been counted. You can set the machine to give only the full amount or a breakdown of all the different denominations that were received.
  4. Currency sorting machines and business scanners can find counterfeit money. Counterfeit currency is huge problem for a lot of businesses, especially businesses that work a lot with customers and clients from different countries. Nations like to switch up their currencies fairly often to prevent counterfeiting. It can be hard to keep your employees up to date on all of the changes that are made to different currencies. The money counter can be programmed to spot bad bank notes and coins instantly. This takes a lot of pressure off your staff and can save you a lot of money. Taking counterfeit money can cost your business a lot.
  5. Cash counting machine are very easy and simple to use. Some companies worry that the technology of the currency counting machine will be too hard to use and that their staff will need a lot of specialized training. This could not be further from the truth. Today’s currency counting machines have automated start and stop systems. Once the notes and coins are inserted into the machine, it will start counting automatically and then when it is complete, the machine stops and displays the final amount. Many currency machines have large and easy to read LED displays to show the amount of money. These machines could not be easier.
  6. These machines can tell you whey they are broken. Today’s currency counter machines have software that can alert you when there is a problem with the machine or the software it used. This can make it easier to trust the machine’s accuracy.
  7. Cash counting machies are convenient. You can get a portable cash counter if you need that. This can be useful if you need to take in money at a location away from your main business address. They come with back up power sources so that they can continue to work when you experience a power failure.

Any business that handles a lot of cash, whether it is one currency or money from multiple countries, can benefit from using a currency counter with a business scanner. They save time, money and will improve your bottom line.

If Your Business Handles Paper Cash and Coins, You Need a Currency Counting Machine

Cash management system software

If your business handles cash and coins and you do it by hand, you know how much work that is. Many businesses use currency sorting machines to handle paper money and coins. These machines have been in use since 1980 when they were first introduced in Great Britain. The cash and coin sorter and counter machines can be very useful for a number of reasons.

  • Using these machines prevents counterfeited money from being used at your business. If you have a lot of people coming from different parts of the globe, it can be hard to rely on staff to catch counterfeited money as it passes through. To cut down on counterfeiting, countries change up their currency all of the time. Even the most dedicated employees may have a hard time keeping up with all of the changes. Currency counter machines can detect counterfeit currency much easier and can be programmed for a number of different currencies. This will take the pressure off of your staff and cut down on your losses due to fake money getting into your system.
  • A cash and coin sorter and counter will save you time. When your employees are responsible for counting all of the paper money and coins, it takes a long time. Part of this is because it just takes longer for a human to count currency than a machine. Much of the delay is caused because people will double and triple check their work. No one wants to make a mistake so they count cash money and coins at least three times The longer process is multiplied by three and time they could spend helping your other customers is lost to this time consuming process. The cash and coin sorter and counter machine will count everything, then display the final amount on a large and easy to read LED screen. By using a machine to count the paper money and coins, your employees will no longer have to stay late and that will reduce your labor costs. This is just another benefit to using these machines.
  • Currency sorter machines are more accurate. When you have a cash and coin sorter and counter, it will be far more accurate that your staff at counting paper money and coins . When you are counting large amounts of cash and coins, it is entirely too easy to make a mistake. This is why people redo their work so many times. The machine can do it all very quickly and with a degree of accuracy that people cannot match. You get your cash and coins counted right the first time. There is no need to recount. Remember that mistakes caused by human error can end up being very costly for your business. They end up hurting your bottom line. Having a machine do your counting and sorting will increase your profit margin.
  • Your employees’ hands will stay cleaner. You have no idea where all that cash and those coins have been but you can see how dirty they make your employees hands. Coins are especially dirty. Anyone who has ever played the slots at a casino can tell you how dirty the coins get. We live in a time when infectious diseases are everywhere. From the Zika virus to a host of others, you can protect your employees from dangerous pathogens and just keep them cleaner by using a cash and coin sorter and counter. They will thank you for it later for sure.
  • Theft from employees will be reduced. No one likes to think that their employees are stealing from them but it happens all too often. This can potentially be a big cause of any loses your business suffers and anything you can do to cut down on it will have a positive impact on your bottom line. Using an electric cash counter makes it a lot harder for your staff to steal cash because they are no longer counting it. It is pretty easy to steal cash when you are counting it.

Investing in a currency counter is a good way to cut your loses from theft and counterfeiting and improve your company’s bottom line.

The Challenges of Conducting a Business Valuation for a Bank

Small business valuation software

Conducting a business valuation for a bank can be particularly difficult. The financial statements of banks are unique and unlike those of other industries. As such, determining the company valuation of a bank takes an unique approach.

The financial statements provide many key inputs to the business valuation process. The two most important statements needed are the income statement and balance sheet. Banks use mark-to-market accounting whereby assets and liabilities are carried at their fair market value. The result of this is that what would be unrealized gains and losses in another industry are actually realized on a bank’s financial statements.

Another key difference between the balance sheets of banks and operating companies is that banks do not distinguish between short and long-term assets and liabilities. Most of a bank’s assets are cash and cash equivalents, including cash kept on-hand in the company vault, deposits held at other banks, and any Fed Funds sold. Other assets may be investments securities or loans. Liabilities, on the other hand, are primarily deposits but may also include any Fed Funds the bank purchased.

A bank’s balance sheet can be particularly confusing because unlike in other industries where cash is the byproduct of selling products or services, for a bank, cash is both the raw material used to generate revenue and the final product. As such, bank balance sheets don’t have items such as inventory, trade receivables or property, plant and equipment. Instead, banks’ balance sheets have items such as loan losses, investments, and trading portfolio.

One method of conducting a business valuation is from the business’s earning power and risk assessment. To determine a bank’s risk assessment, the best place to start is the balance sheet where you can evaluate the loan-to-deposit and loan-to-asset ratios. A high value on either of these ratios signals a bank with higher liquidity risk. A bank with low loan-to-deposit or asset ratios, on the other hand, poses a lower liquidity and credit risk. Keep in mind when using these ratios as a business valuation tool, however, that with lower risk comes lower potential reward. A bank with low loan-to-deposit or asset ratios also has a lower earning power.

Another place to assess risk on the balance sheet is through the bank’s capital. Capital is essentially the “cushion” that will help banks absorb any losses or expand its assets. Banks must abide by certain regulations in terms of the minimum size of this cushion.

In addition to evaluating a business’s earning power and risk assessment, there are two other primary means of business valuation: through a comparison to similar businesses or based on the business in question’s assets. The former is known as the market Approach to business valuation while the latter is simply the asset approach.

Under the market approach, you will need to determine the best banks for comparison. This can be a deceptively hard task. The U.S. has 5,338 commercial banks. These range from large financial institutions to smaller community banks. The best competitor to use as a company valuation tool will depend on a number of factors such as:

  • The size of the bank
  • The location of the bank
  • The bank’s profitability
  • The bank’s loan composition
  • The bank’s growth

After applying these criteria, you will ideally have a small pool of banks with similar asset levels and return on equity rations who operate in the same region as your bank and have similar financial statements.

If you opt to use the asset approach to bank business valuation, it’s important to understand how bank’s assets differ from operating companies. As mentioned above, a bank’s assets include cash kept on-hand in the company vault, deposits held at other banks, and any Fed Funds sold. Loans are the primary asset for most banks because they earn more interest than most securities the bank owns and thus provide a better source of revenue. Bank assets also include tangible items which can be sold for cash such as buildings owned by the bank.

Regardless of the business valuation tools you apply, it’s important to start with a solid understanding of the banking industry and how banks differ from operating companies. The unique way in which banks measure their business on their financial statements requires unique business valuation services and methods.

The Search for Your Dream Home Could Also Turn Up Your Dream Job

Investment property mortgage lenders

When you think about buying your dream home, you probably don’t think about a fixer upper. You probably envision rolling up to view the home and at first sight, sighing that content sigh that means your heart has found where it belongs. Whether it has the signature white picket fence, or it is in the perfect location near your job, your kids’ school, or near nothing but the shores of a lake and a forest trail, this dream home just has it all. However the reality for most people, particularly because everyone has vastly varied tastes, is that you are not going to stumble upon that absolutely perfect abode. And if you are going to put in a little work to make it yours, you may be wise to consider renovation financing.

How renovation financing can make your dream a reality

Renovation financing refers to the process of getting
a loan for your home that includes the amount that you will be spending on the work that you will be putting in to make it exactly how you want it. Renovation lending typically requires that you show proof of the cost of the redesigning, so if you go this route be sure to keep careful track of all of your billing information and receipts. Sometimes it is even helpful to keep careful track of all emails and other communication with vendors or those you employ to help you renovate the property. Keep in mind that you will be facing quite a bit of work before you are finally presented with the home that you have been dreaming of, and many times that are unforeseen snags that slow the work up a bit. Patience is definitely key throughout this process. But with that end goal in mind, the work and time that you put in become totally worth it.

Renovation financing for the purpose of flipping houses
Perhaps once you have seen the process for yourself as you tried out renovation lending on your own home, you will realize that there is a way for you to make some money in this game. You will have the experience of having gone through the steps already, and if you happen to be working with a specific client and their wishes, you will be able to relate to him or her as the future owner attempting to understand the process. Another benefit of going this route is the fact that you already have the contact information and connection with many different vendors and contractors that you can continue to build a steady work relationship with for future projects as well. Real estate investment lenders will be more likely to grant you the loan you are looking for as you start to build up a reliable and trustworthy reputation as a borrower, and eventually you will have a booming business on your hands.

Sealing the deal with investment mortgage lenders
As investment property mortgage lenders begin to see your process and history of successful borrowing and repayment, it will become easier over time to get the loans that you need in order to flip the new houses and properties that you find. And as you become more experienced in the process overall, there are going to be aspects of it that you will look back on and wonder how any part of it was ever confusing or difficult to figure out. With repetition comes familiarity, and as you grow increasingly familiar with your growing business over time, you will become more and more successful. And who knows, perhaps you will eventually reach the point where you won’t be needing a loan at all, because your house flipping skills have grown and developed to such a great extent.

What Do Customers Look For In A Successful Online Business?

Card payment processing

What sets your business apart from the competition? Is it the quality of your goods or the ease of your online transactions? With the global market becoming more scrutinizing by the day, it’s essential to stay on top of what customers expect to see when browsing for goods and services. When customers fear for their purchases’ safety and rely on reputation to guide their hand, it’s your responsibility to give them as much security and confidence possible when browsing your wares. Below are the top five tips for small and large businesses trying to stay afloat in a competitive economy, from customer trends to the best credit card rates for merchants.

Favor Online Purchases

E-commerce services have been booming thanks to advances in Internet based technology and an increasingly globalized marketplace. While walk-in purchases are still viable options for many, the ease and convenience of buying from online stores remains highly favorable for the majority of the populace. Sales from American e-commerce retailers neared $300 billion back in 2014, an increase of 14% from the previous year. When asked as to their most influential quality in an ideal online purchase, many customers cited affordable shipping and a wide selection of payment options.

Customers Prefer Convenience

Did you know over 50% of shoppers say online reviews will influence their buying decision? It’s been found that online comparison shopping sites attract a stunning 72 million monthly visitors and over 50% of American consumers will buy directly from their favorite brands online. Reputation is everything in the online sphere and a lack of security protocol or payment options can make or break a successful business.

Variety Of Payment Types

If you want to connect to a wide audience, you need to offer them as many options as possible. When asked their preferred payment type, over 40% of Americans chose debit cards compared to 35% of credit cards. Only 9% preferred cash, discovered in an ongoing TSYS online survey of over 1,000 customers who owned both kinds of payment. Credit cards are found in the majority of American wallets, with multiple studies totaling seven out of 10 on average. Keep this in mind when seeking out the best credit card rates for merchants through major credit card processors.

Security Should Be Top Notch

Although e-commerce purchases won’t decrease in popularity any time soon, one of the most prevailing concerns of customers are data breaches, loss of goods and general security involving their expenses. Data breaches totaled 1,500 worldwide back in 2014, up a whopping 46% from the year before, and lead to the compromise of over one billion data records. Malicious outsiders were the culprits of over half of all data breaches, with malicious insiders a significantly smaller amount. The payment processing industry has taken these concerns into account when crafting digital barriers.

Best Credit Card Rates For Merchants

If you want to attract a loyal customer base, you need to find the best credit card processing services. These can include payment gateways and security protocols, designed to give your customers easily identifiable methods of recovery should their purchase be compromised or their order lost in the mail. These services can include, but are not limited to, allowing your customers to track their order, retain receipt information and prevent malicious parties from accessing their information. A little goes a long way in these modern times and nowhere is that more clear than e-commerce for small and large businesses.
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How to Turn Your Annuity Payments into an Investment

Monthly expenses

If you were the victim of a lawsuit or the lucky winner of a large lottery payout, you are probably familiar with annuity payments and lump sum payments. You were probably given the option between the two, not quite sure which one was the best choice for you and your situation. Most payout companies will encourage monthly annuity payments, stating how you won?t run out of money that way and you will have a set source of income for many years. This is why most people choose the monthly annuity payments, but many later find out that they may have been able to do more with the lump sum payments.

The idea of a set amount of money every single month for life may be tempting, but what about the idea of being able to reduce debt, purchase a home or a car with cash or start your own business, which will produce its own income? These things may not be possible with structured monthly annuity payments, depending on the amount that you are receiving every month.

Additionally, receiving cash for an annuity may actually save you money and increase your monthly payments even further. If you are able to purchase a home with cash, you will reduce your amount of debt and you will avoid pricey interest charges. Considering that over 40% of US families spend more than they earn, you can be sure that you purchase a home that is affordable for you and your family. You can decide based on the amount of lump sum money you have, and not on the amount of monthly payments that you are receiving.

Receiving cash for an annuity is an opportunity to invest your money. It can be risky getting used to a specific monthly income for years. When the monthly payments stop, you will be struggling to find ways to get it back. You may not be able to work enough hours or make enough income to cover the loss of monthly income. If you receive cash for your structured settlement or lottery annuity, you can consider making an investment that will either permanently increase your monthly income or provide you with an investment that can be sold in the future. Additionally, owning a home or a car payment and interest free is also a great investment, opening up money should you need it in the future.

Consumers vastly underestimate or underreport how much debt they have. In fact, as of 2013, actual lender reported credit card debt was 155% greater than borrowed reported balances. People are embarrassed and weighed down by their debt. They may have alimony payments, mortgage payments or student loans. Medical debt is also a huge problem in the United States. Nearly 20% of credit reports are hurt by overdue medical bills. Receiving cash for an annuity or having the ability to invest your money for further income is a great way to pay down debt and ensure a better future for both you and your family.

Many Americans are struggling with different kinds of debt. High mortgages, medical debt, student loans and interest charges really affect Americans and can make them feel weighed down. If you are receiving monthly payments, this may not be enough to pay down debt and choose ways to increase your income. It can be risky to get used to a specific monthly income that may not be there forever. When you receive cash for an annuity, you can find ways to permanently increase your monthly income.

The Importance of Mini Prime Brokers for Hedge Funds

Prime broker services

In the past, prime brokerage was restricted to a select few large Wall Street companies, and while many of these firms provided prime brokerage services for large hedge funds, others were not so lucky. Because relationships with smaller hedge funds were not extremely profitable for such large companies, they often declined to provide the necessary services for them to succeed.

Smaller hedge funds are usually those with less than $50 or $100 million in assets, and as such they provide less opportunity for profit. Eventually, large prime brokers began to neglect these types of smaller hedge funds completely, which in turn paved the way for mini prime brokers.

These types of brokers are registered dealers that essentially act as introductory firms to other prime brokers, and handle front end relationships while trading, execution, and custody are taken care of through large prime brokerage firms.

Mini prime brokers play an important role for smaller hedge funds that need better support services. The discount services that brokerages normally provide simply aren’t cutting it for them because the companies are not yet big enough to provide the highly personalized services that bigger funds receive from large hedge fund prime brokers.

Mini prime brokers can do virtually everything that a regular prime broker can do, but the difference is the smaller, more personalized scale in which they operate in. In addition to brokerage and custody, many mini prime brokers also provide small and start-up managers with useful additional services. Such services can include soft dollar services, operational services, back office services, and sometimes even capital introduction services.

Many of these types of brokers will also provide their customers with complementary access to numerous popular trading platforms. Each broker will be able to provide different services and execution prices, depending on what they’re working with. So to ensure the best service for any one fund, a hedge fund manager should talk with a few before making a final decision.

In general, these kinds of brokers can provide the exact same services that a large prime broker can, and will, without a doubt, be better equipped and prepared to respond to a small fund’s needs. In addition, fund investors are generally more comfortable with the fact that any hedge fund?s assets will still be maintained at a large brokerage firm.

How to Calculate the Worth of Your Business

Small business valuations

If you have your own business, the time may come when you need to determine how much it is worth. This is a more complicated question that you might expect. First of all, the reasons for wanting to determine the company’s worth has a big impact on final small business valuations. Many first time business owners are surprised when they find out that the subjective nature of a small business valuation. Regardless of the reason you need to perform the business valuation, it is always, at its heart, a financial exercise. When you ask yourself, “How do I start calculating the worth of my business?” the first thing you need to do is decide why you want to do this and then you need to assemble your financial information.

There are three common approaches that most people use when they are trying to determine how much a business is worth.

The asset approach considers a business to be basically worth the sum of its parts. Basically you take all of your assets and add them up. Take all of your debts or expenses and add them up. Subtract the debts and expenses from the assets and you have the general valuation of the business. This is the most predictable of the small business valuation methods but does not provide a whole picture for many businesses. There are many intangibles involved in running a business and determining its worth. The time when the asset approach to business valuation may be if you are divorcing your spouse and you need to quickly determine the value of a business. If you are considering this approach, you really should start by asking yourself, “Why am I calculating the worth of my business?”

The income approach looks at your revenue stream as it is now and where it will go. This is considered to be the most technical approach of the three. What you need to calculate is the “Earnings Before Interest, Depreciation and Amortization” (ERIBA). In these businesses try to calculate what they will make in the future. This is often the way stock analysts will evaluate companies when they go public.

The last method is the market approach. Basically, you look at businesses that are similar to yours and see how much they are worth. It is great when you find a company that is in your industry and is about your size that has been sold. You can extrapolate from this what your business is worth. Economic experts consider this to be the most subjective of the three approaches. Like the other approaches, it does not take all factors into consideration. If someone compared Apple to Microsoft when they both were young and did not include a comparison of Bill Gates and Steve Jobs it would not have been complete.

What approach should I use when calculating the worth of my business?

If you are not sure which approach you should take, some experts recommend conducting all three. They suggest business owners then evaluate the results of each and go with the one that meets their needs at the time. Again, a lot of this comes down to the reason for conducting this kind of analysis to begin with. If you are pitching investors, knowing how much you are going to bring in may be an important part of your proposal. If you are just looking to sell, another approach such as the asset approach may be what you are looking for.

Small business valuations are more like art than science. When you are just thinking the question, “Why am I calculating the worth of my business?” you have to keep that in mind. Entrepreneurs often see their business’s value through the prism of what they want for it and how much potential they see in it. While this is natural, it is important to leave emotion behind when working on this. If you are asking yourself, “How do I go about calculating the value of my business?” you may want to consider bringing in an outside expert who has not put their heart and soul into developing and building the business in question.



How to Determine a Peer Group for Your Business Comps

Business valuation analysis

In order to determine your business valuation, you first have to consider your standing in relation to other comparable companies on the market. In business comps terms, this is what’s known as a “peer group” or “peer universe,” and the other businesses or firms you choose for comparison will influence the outcome of your comps valuation.
If you’re one of a dozen specialty doughnut shops in Small Town, USA, then finding other equities for comparison shouldn’t be difficult. But what if you’re a one-in-a-million enterprise cooking up business in an unprecedented new way? What if your company is so unique that you don’t yet have any direct competitors with comparable transaction? Luckily, you can still compile a peer group for a proper business appraisal valuation using some other characteristics. Consider these five factors before diving into your business comps:

  1. Industry
    Compare like with like and consider your business in relation to others in your field. While you might prefer to think of your company as a unique special snowflake, there are 26.5 million other businesses in the United States alone, with over half a million new ones starting up every month. Chances are, there’s someone out there with a similar service. Otherwise, expand your notion of “industry”: If you sell customized dog food bowls, for example, you can think of your field in relation to manufacturers of dog collars or leashes, dog toys, or doggie waste bags, too.
  2. Consumer Base
    Along with your industry, think of any overlap you might have in consumer base with other fields. People who buy cut flower bouquets, for example, might be more likely to purchase ceramic vases, and vice-versa. Placing your company in line with similar demographic target areas will help nuance your business comps.
  3. Size
    There’s no sense comparing your three-person team with a giant conglomerate, even if you operate in the same line of work. The number of employees and the scope of your operations are an extremely important consideration when determining the valuation of your business; bigger isn’t always better.
  4. Region
    Especially if your company provides local or specialized services, the region where you work can be highly influential in selecting a comparable peer group. Air conditioning service providers in Florida, for instance, will have very different models from those in Maine. Think about the geographical limits of your enterprise, whether it’s by city, state, country, continent, or hemisphere.
  5. Growth Characteristics
    Finally, your company’s prospects for future growth will certainly have a bearing on your business comps, so it’s important to have a peer group with like potential. This can be one of the most difficult factors to determine of other companies, so seek out information on other business’ histories or return on invested capital. If you’re in a newly-emerging tech field, you won’t want to compare yourself with a stagnant, steady business model in hairdressing supplies.

Ultimately, a comparable company analysis valuation starts with determining just who those comparable companies might be. Once you’ve considered all the factors, compiled the necessary information, and truly thought about why you might need a business valuation, then you can work with an appraisal service to get a truly accurate picture of just what you’re worth.

Prolonged Annuity Payments Versus a Lump Sum Now

Investing your money

If you have been looking for ways to reduce debt so that you can manage your finances better, receiving a structured settlement annuity may seem like the break you have been waiting for you. However, there are several things that you should know before signing on the dotted line to receive your annual or monthly payments.

  1. Prolonged Process
    After you find out that you are going to be receiving annuity payments, it can still take a very long time for you to actually have them in hand. The waiting period could take months, even years before you ever see a penny of your money. The reason for this is that there are so many legalities and processes that a company must go through when doling out this type of cash. Then there’s the question of how they will report it on their taxes and so their accountants have to hold on to it for awhile. What it really comes down to, is they are dragging their feet.

  2. Small Payments
    If your settlement is coming from lottery winnings or winning a case like an auto accident, these companies will do everything in their power to not have to pay out a lot at one time. Setting up payments with you will be done in such a way that it benefits them. They are not thinking of your best interests. Sure, they may give you options of amounts and time frames but all of them are first of all beneficial to the one giving away the money. Usually, annuities are spread so thin and for so long that the payments you end up getting every year or month are so small that they barely make a difference. You may be receiving money for the next 30 years but the payments will be very small amounts.

  3. No Tax Breaks
    You will still have to pay a very large amount in taxes the following year after receiving your earnings. This is on top of what will already be taken out in order for the company to pay taxes. Yes, they will take it out of your money. And then you have to pay your own taxes out of it also.

So, what else can you do? How can you avoid these problems? You can sell your annuity. What does that mean? Well, once you know the amount that you are going to be getting, you can sell that amount to a company that will buy it for a certain price. While there may be fees and things like that involved, there are many benefits that could outweigh waiting for your yearly installments. If you choose to sell your annuity, this means several things:

  1. Immediate Payment
    Typically, When you want to sell your annuity, you don’t even have to wait to find out if you have won your case or not. If you know the amount of the settlement, you can put in an application for sale at one of these places. They will give you an offer and once you accept it, you can expect a check within days.

  2. Quick Turnaround
    The whole process can take less than two weeks once it’s started. Actually, the main waiting periods are up to you. Your application will be reviewed and an offer made, as mentioned above and then it really is up to you how long you wait to accept or deny. You can negotiate the final amount as well if you don’t mind waiting a few extra days for your payment to get to you.

  3. Lump Sum
    Selling your annuity payments means that you will receive your money in one lump sum. No more waiting year after year for your money to get to you. You can have it all right here and right now. This is extremely beneficial if you are trying to pay off medical bills, get out of debt or pay a large item.

Deciding whether or not to sell your annuity is a big choice. It really comes down to what is in the best interest of your life goals. If all you are doing is saving for nothing in particular, annuity is fine. But if you have plans to travel or live large, you’ll need all of your money as soon as you can.