What do you think your customers use their jar of loose change for? Once they cash in their coins, are they using that amount as their limit when they find a slot machine in Ontario? Are they letting their children use it for spending money on their summer visit to Canada’s Wonderland?
Whether your banking clients are using their cashed in coins to entertain themselves or their children, or whether they are socking those coins away into savings, as a financial institute you are only thinking about two things when that large bag of coins comes to your teller window: speed and accuracy. The most current and accurate currency sorter machine can give your retail cash management location both speed and accuracy.
If you are a business other than a financial institution, it is just as important that you have a fast, efficient and safe way to process currency. An electronic coin sorter and counter, as well as a fraud-fighter counterfeit machine, purchased from a reliable company can ease the process and improve security by providing well trained support personnel. Making your currency sorter machine purchases from a company that also provides account managers, project managers, highly-trained field service representatives, repair technicians, and logistics experts ensure you always have the support you need when it comes to your cheque, cash and coin processing.
Fully electronic counters, machines that are able to count batches of notes or of coins without having to process them individually, were first introduced in Great Britain in the early 1980s. Fast forward 30 years and cash counting machines now allow a business to maintain 100% assured accuracy for cash transactions. Since the earliest use of a currency sorter machine, the goal has always been efficiency and accuracy. Another major reason that businesses and companies use money counters, obviously, is the amount of time it saves them. Without a bill and coin sorter and counting device, counting notes by hand is time consuming and is usually completed two or three times to make sure the numbers are correct to compensate for any human error.
Whether you are a small business owner in a northern remote part of Canada, or are a small banking institution in Winnipeg, it is important for you to be able to process both coin and paper currency quickly and accurately. Making the decision to purchase a counterfeit bill detector machine and commercial coin counting machines from a company that also provides fast and quality service is key to your success. Your time is important, so yo need technicians with quick local response time that can be tailored to your needs and work within your schedule to get your equipment up and running quickly and accurately.